Chapter 17

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Hayden opened my door, his hand resting on the top of the car as he ducked his head to look down at me. "Do you want me to carry you?"

I chuckled. "I'm fine, Hayden."

I admit, I was a little shaken up after the altercation but I was fine. And if anything, I should be asking Hayden that question. He took quite the beating. Of course, Liam looked far worse than he did. 

I was grateful for the twins because things could have gone a lot worse had they not shown up when they did.

When we were in the car, I had asked Harper how she knew to bring my inhaler. She just shrugged and said she brought it as a safety precaution. I was so appreciative of her for that. More than she realized.

Hayden offered a hand, which I took. I eyed the house before me. Their home was exactly what I pictured the home of a millionaire to be. Big, modern, and way out of my price range.

You would think that with the salary my dad gets as a college coach for not one, but two different sports teams that I know what wealth looks like. And truth be told, I thought I did until I laid eyes on the Isaacs' residence. It wasn't overtly fancy. It still looked like a family lived there. Though it definitely put my home to shame.

"Are you sure your parents will be okay with me staying the night?" I asked, suddenly feeling nervous about meeting Hayden's parents. Although I already told my dad that I would be staying the night with Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Isaacs still didn't know. And I didn't want to intrude.

The media has always portrayed them as kind people, but I couldn't help but be nervous. I mean, these were big name people, especially the twin's father, Levi Isaacs. The man dominated everything he touched. How could a person not be intimidated?

"My parents won't mind," Hayden said with a smile of reassurance.

My heart skipped.

"Yeah," Harper added. "Unless it were Mason."

Hayden laughed at that, some sort of inside joke being shared between him and his sister. 

I didn't realize we were still holding hands until he gave them a squeeze. "I hope you're okay with sleeping in my room."

I blushed, probably a deep shade of pink. The thought of sleeping in Hayden Isaacs' bed did something to me. Something stirred in the pit of my stomach that consisted of excitement and fear.

Hayden must have seen the look on my face because he added, "I'll sleep on the floor."

I was a little disappointed by that, but didn't let that be known as I smiled and nodded. Hayden unlocked the door by typing a passcode into a little keypad above the doorknob. 

When they entered the home, I followed suit in taking off my shoes before allowing Hayden to escort me through the beautiful home. I thought the exterior was amazing but the interior was even more luxurious. It felt like it was straight out of a magazine. 

And while it definitely gave off the feeling that someone wealthy occupied the home, it didn't lack warmth or comfort. In fact, I've never felt more relaxed than I did in this home.

Hayden let go of my hand, leaving me in the living room with Harper. "Wait here," he instructed, before disappearing upstairs.

"Your home is incredible," I told Harper.

She gave me a small smile. "Thanks. My mom prides herself in keeping the home pristine and orderly. She can detect dust bunnies from miles away."

I chuckled, eyeing all of the family pictures on their walls. I stood up to get a closer view of one of the pictures that caught my attention. 

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