Chapter 13

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One week later
Ever since that night, in my bathroom, things between Hayden and I have been extremely awkward. 

We've kept up with our study sessions, and he's even starting to teach me how to play soccer. I found out pretty quickly on the first day that I sucked. I'm terrible. Hayden and I had a good laugh about it when I tried to kick the ball, missed, and fell straight on my ass.

Hearing him laugh felt like before. It felt like us. But it was quickly short-lived, and things went back to being awkward.

We don't see much of each other anymore. I stopped showing up at his practice because I didn't think he'd want me there. It has been difficult being apart from someone I had so much fun being around.

When my dad told me they'd lost the game last weekend, I wanted to text Hayden immediately. And almost did. But nothing I wrote felt right, so I decided that it was probably better I didn't say anything.

I sat in the library waiting for Hayden to show up for our final tutoring session before our chemistry exam tomorrow. I checked the time on my watch for the third or fourth time since I sat down. Hayden was an hour late.

It was so unlike him. He's usually on time. And besides, he promised me he'd be here. 

After a few minutes, I started scrolling through my several sent text messages asking him where he was, wondering if I should send him another.

I looked up when someone slid into the seat across from me. It wasn't Hayden. Which disappointed me than it should have. "I don't think he's coming," Nora said sadly.

"But he promised me," I whispered, in denial. I didn't want to believe that Hayden would ever stand me up. When he makes a promise, he's adamant on keeping them.

Until now...

"I know." She sighed. "It's not you. Josh- er, your dad said he'd had a rough game. He didn't score a single goal during last weekend's game."

"Really?" I was surprised to hear that. When I asked my dad how the game went, he'd only said they had lost. He didn't provide much more details as he had been upset himself. "Maybe I should go talk to him."

Nora nodded and smiled. "That's a good idea. I'm sure he's in need of a friend."

I quickly packed up my things when I saw Lincoln with a few of the lacrosse, basketball, and football players. His friends headed over to one of the group tables while he went over to the front desk to return a book.

He seemed to be deep in conversation with the student workers Nora hired a couple of days ago. The pretty black girl with long flowing locs said something that made Lincoln laugh. 

Her and Lincoln both looked my way when they saw me approaching. The girl was clearly displeased that I had interrupted their conversation, while Lincoln's smile widened. He had an amazing smile that complimented his chocolate brown eyes and smooth brown skin. I see why the girl was so upset.

"Hey, Olive. What's up?"

I cleared my throat, trying not to look at the frown still plastered on the girl's face. I looked down at the floor nervously. "Do you know where Hayden is?"

"Yeah. He's back in our room."

I looked back up, having to tilt my head back slightly because Lincoln was so tall. "Room 310, right?"

I'd never gone back to Hayden and his friends room, but I remembered Harper mentioning the room number when we were in art class.

"Uh, yeah. But you might not want to go there right now."

"Why not?" Lincoln had an unreadable expression on his face that only confused me more. "Does he not want to see me or something?"

Lincoln shook his head. "It's not that. He's just busy right now."

"Clearly too busy to study for our exam tomorrow," I retorted in a sarcastic manner, wondering what could be more important than studying so he doesn't fail the course and gets kicked off the team?

"Did you try texting him?"

"He didn't answer. So i'm going to his room to confront him."

"I wouldn't-"

I didn't hear the rest as I'd already started making my way out of the library. I didn't spend all my time helping him study for him to just decide that whatever he was doing was far more important. I mean, seriously! He's the one who begged me to tutor him.

I made it to the suites in ten minutes and took the elevator up to the third floor. Making a left, I eyed the room numbers on every door until my eyes landed on room number 310.

Pausing in front of his door, I balled my hand into a fist. I lightly rapped on the dark blue door three times, trying not to showcase my frustration. I was officially upset. I clearly cared more about Hayden passing the class than he did.

The door was opened, Hayden standing on the other side, looking as gorgeous as ever. He was shirtless, his tattoos catching my eye like they always do. 

My eyes fell to his v-line, the deep gray sweatpants he wore hanging dangerously low off his hips. I cleared my throat and brought my gaze up to his before my mind fell into the gutter.

He seemed surprised to see me. "Ol-"

I pushed past him, too upset to wait for him to invite me in. His dorm was exactly what I expected a guy's living space to look. Though his room was way cleaner than most. I would have admired the interior design some more but was far too upset to do so.

"Where the hell were you?" I blurted out.

"What are you talk- shit." It clicked immediately. He sighed deeply. "I'm sorry. I forgot."

"You forgot!? You forgot!?" I threw my hands up in the air in frustration. "Since you clearly don't care about passing the class, then I don't care."

I started back for the door, but he grabbed my forearm, stopping me from making my dramatic exist. I whipped my head back in his direction, staring deeply into his eyes and internally praying I don't let them make me forget why I'm here.

"I'm sorry."

"You said that," I snapped, trying not to think about the jolt of electricity that flowed through my body when he touched me and the way my heart skipped when we locked eyes a second time.

"I mean it, Pearl. I-"

"Oh, sorry to interrupt," a voice that wasn't my own or Hayden's spoke. "Do you mind if I borrow your body wash?"

My eyes dart to the girl leaning against the door frame of his bathroom wearing nothing but a towel. She's beautiful and model-esque with long legs, beautiful black hair, and eyes bright blue in color.

I looked back at Hayden. It didn't take a genius to know what had occurred during the time we were supposed to have been studying. And it hurt. Hayden was never mine, and still, a black ink of jealousy seeped into my heart because he felt like mine.

I had no right to be jealous, just like I had no right to hate the girl he'd been with. Hayden and I were only friends. And even if I wanted there to be something more between us and thought there had been, we couldn't. And I'd made that known when he asked to kiss me that night.

I brought my gaze back to Hayden and apologized. "I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone else was here. I'm going to go."

I pulled my arm free from Hayden's grasp and walked out.

He followed.

"Olive," he'd called.

I ignored him.


I almost stopped. Almost.

"Don't fucking call me that!" I yelled, not bothering to look back because I knew that if I did, and I saw those damned green eyes of his, I'd fold.

So I kept straight ahead, and I didn't stop until I was far far away from him.

Falling For His Coach's Daughter [Book #4]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant