Chapter 11

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Hayden's POV
Olive didn't show up for practice. Not seeing her seated on the sidelines with a book in hand and a smile on her face brought about a disappointment that seeped into my head.

I told her I'd come find her, but she was nowhere in sight, and I looked everywhere from the campus commons to the library where she usually has her nose shoved in a book.

I knew that her absence had to do with what happened this morning. She was still embarrassed, even though I'd told her she had nothing to be embarrassed about. It was my fault. 

I should have had more self-control. I would have had more self control if I couldn't feel her pussy throbbing against my dick. And it didn't help that whatever body wash she used smelled fucking amazing.

I spent all morning in the shower because of her. And it took everything within me not to fuck my hand to the memory of her.

I swung my right leg back before kicking the ball. I cursed out loud, running my hands through my hair in frustration when the ball hit the rim of the net.

My head wasn't in the game. And I knew why. I gazed out at the empty bleachers wishing the girl that had become my good luck charm were here.

"Isaacs, take a breather!" Coach yelled, motioning me to get off the field.

Lincoln lightly smacked my back, giving me a tight-lipped smile before I jogged off the field and took a seat on the sidelines. Not being able to play fucking sucked. I felt like a damned toddler on time out.

"What's going on with you?" Coach asked.

"Nothing coach. I had a late night. Studying," I added quickly, knowing the real reason was because I had been talking to Olive.

"Well, get your head in the game, son. We have a game to win this weekend."

"Yes, sir." 

Reaching under the seat, where I had my gym bag stowed away, I retrieved the duffel and grabbed my water, then my phone. I opened my mouth and squeezed the water into my mouth while scrolling through my phone hoping Olive had texted me.

She didn't.

Frustrated, I excused myself and stepped away from the field to give her a call. I video called her, needing to not only hear her voice but to see her.

I was afraid she wouldn't answer by the third ring, but then her gorgeous face popped up on the screen. I had every intention of scolding her for not being here to watch me practice. I was delusional and knew she wasn't here for me, but because her dad made her. But a guy can dream.

When she sniffled into the phone, every intention I had of scolding her vanished. It was replaced with concern, and anger because I was going to fuck up whoever made her cry.

"What's wrong? Where are you?"

I was seconds away from completely skipping practice and running to her.

She removed her glasses to wipe the tears from her eyes. "I- I..." She could hardly form words because she was crying so hard. "I-" Sniffle. "Had an accident." Sniffle.

"What kind of accident? Tell me where you are and I'll come to you right now."

She shook her head. "You can't help me."

"If you tell me what happened, I might be able to," I said softly, wanting her to know that I was willing to do anything to make her happy again.

"I was in the dining hall for lunch," she said, still sniffling. "And I didn't realize..." She trailed off before finishing with, "until I felt something wet and warm running down my thigh."

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