Chapter 12

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Olive's POV
Hayden had no idea how badly I wanted to kiss him. Or maybe he did. Anyone could have felt the growing tension between us from a mile away. But no matter how badly I wanted to kiss him, I managed -barely- to refrain from doing so.

After practice had ended, I spoke with my dad. He reiterated the rules, I rolled my eyes, told him to have fun on his date, and headed home.

I was seated on the couch in my living room, having just finished explaining to Harper what happened today and how Hayden had come to the rescue.

She didn't seem surprised by her brother's kindness. "Hays has always been like that. Everyone always makes this assumption about him because he's rich, an athlete, and popular." She leaned in closer, bringing her voice down to a whisper. "But between you and me, he's a bit of a nerd."

"Really?" I was shocked.

Harper nodded. "Oh yeah. Don't let the charm fool you."

I chuckled at that. "What about the rest of your family? What are they like?" 

I hadn't met any of Hayden and Harper's family. I haven't been to their house. And I was curious to know if the tabloids were accurate in their depiction of the family.

"My mom and dad are amazing. Really kind and generous. Though my dad is really straightforward. He doesn't take bullshit from anyone."

From the article I read years ago, that sounded about right.

"As for my siblings," she continued, "they can be a bit much. The oldest, Declan, he's really quiet and reserved. He's the sweetest of my brothers. Then there's Mason. He's... well he's Mason. An overprotective pothead with a heart of gold."

"Quite the contrast between Declan and Mason."

She snorted a laugh. "Yeah, a big contrast. And lastly, there's the baby of the family. Adeleine. She hates being known as the baby because that's how everyone treats her. Especially Mason and my dad."

I could relate. My dad is annoyingly overprotective, so I knew exactly how that felt. Being an only child is both a blessing and a curse just as much as being the youngest in the family is.

Harper was in the middle of sharing a funny story that happened at dinner with her family when I'd receieved a text message from Hayden.

"Speaking of Hayden," I said with a laugh.

Hayden: I'm outside

What the-

I showed Harper the text. "Why is your brother outside my house?"

The color from Harper's face drained. "I... sort of... maybe invited him?"

I stood to my feet. "What? Why?"

"Okay, don't hate me but I think you would be perfect for my brother."

I blushed, suddenly feeling shy. "Harper," I drew out, wishing she had told me he was coming. I would have dressed better.

"I know, I know. But you're single... And he's single... It's perfect."

I was blushing profusely now. I didn't have enough time to change, Harper reading my mind. "You look fine." She smiled innocently, her green eyes sparkling with excitement as if she didn't just blindside me.

She waved her hands, ushering me to go open the door. The smile on her face never wavered as she watched me walk over to the door to open it.

I inhaled deeply when I saw Hayden standing on the other side of the door. He smiled wide, looking nearly identical to his twin sister despite the two being fraternal.

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