"Well, he tried to talk to her but..." Laughs. "... But ended up..." Laughs harder. "...you are gonna laugh..."

I wanted to hear wht happened next but the boys wouldn't stop laughing. It went on for a while and Carson fell off the couch.

The next part of the story better be good.

Austin glared at them. "What happened next?!" I exclaimed, already tired of waiting.

"He...he...fell into a...sewer" my eyes shot open and my head whipped to Austin's direction. Okay, that's more than funny.

I bursted out laughing.

"Where the..." I couldn't stop laughing. "...hell were you guys?!"

"We were at summer camp" Madonna answered. "...he forgot they gave a warning about a nearby sewage"

"It was quite a poop impression" they bursted out laughing again. "Okay enough! You've all had your fun!" Austin cut them off.

"That joke went on for weeks" Carson said, wiping stray tears. "What did I just say?" Austin asked.

"So...what's the plan, bro?" He asked, getting back on the couch. "Invite her to the party and then-"

"How does she talk to you, I mean after the poopcident?" I asked and we all bursted out laughing again.

"It's not funny, Charlotte" he said, through gritted teeth. "Then how are they laughi"

"Sorry bro, but it was quite the dump" Cole added and the laughing continued. "Shut up!!!" He yelled and we all paused.

"Hey Parkers!" Harley and Bianca called out as they walked in. Austin groaned, falling back on the couch.

"What's up with grumpy?" Harley asked, sitting beside Jayson. "He's mad about the poop adventure at summer camp!" She bursted out laughing immediately.

"Are you talking about that time that Austin tried to impress Beverly but then he ended up falling-"

"Yay! Harley got retentive memorie" he shot her a glare. "Am I missing some kinda inside joke?" Bianca asked.

"Don't you have a  house?" Cole asked. "I brought doughnuts" she held out a box. "Have our house" he stated, grabbing the box from her.

"Oh, nice timing But, Chloe will really need-" before I could finish the statement, there was a loud bang from the kitchen.

We looked up and immediately smoke began flooding in from the kitchen and into the living room.

No one moved, we all were shocked and frozen at the spot. We  were waiting for the worst to happen and...it did.

"My hair is on fire! My hair is on fire! My hair is on fire!" Chloe screamed, running into the living.

It wasn't a lie,  it was on fire.

"Shit!" The guys jumped over the couch and grabbed fire extinguishers out of nowhere. She kept on screaming and jumping until the quenched the fire.

We all stared in stock as her hair smoked.


We were sorted at the waiting room, waiting room in the hospital. We called Emma to come take responsibility and that's how we all spent our evening in the hospital.

We've been here for like an hour now, waiting to hear if Chloe was okay. Hope she is.

The door opposite us opened and Emma walked out, we all peered up to see Chloe beside her.

Her hair was gone. She was..."No seriously? Where's Chloe?" Austin asked.

"I'm right here" she yelled.

She's bald! Her hair was shaved off, the guys bursted out laughing immediately.

"What..." I tried not to laugh. "What happened to her hair?"

"It got shaved off, it got severely burnt and there wasn't a way to..." She rubbed Chloe's head.

"And you guys are to be blamed" Emma stated, crossing her hands over her chest. "We are not! She wanted a sandwich which made us wonder why the stove was turned on" Calvin defended.

"I hate you!" She screamed and ran to him but Emma held her back. "I know the perfect theme for her birthday this month" Austin suggested and we all turned to him.

"Bald Elflens!" We all bursted out laughing immediately. "Guys, don't say that. It's mean" Bianca said while she lowkey took pictures.

"Are you taking pictures!" Chloe exclaimed. "No no no!" Not convincing enough Bianca.

"Can you believe this is actually someone's zodiac sign?" They got back laughing again.

"Stop with the...dark humor!" Emma yelled. "It's just bald humour!" Jayson said and they laughed harder.

This is what it's like having assholes as brothers.

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