"Okay, enough about girly drama. I'm willing to pay for any shit you want today" Jayson said.

"Oh my gosh, Jayson. You really don't have to do that" I said. "Shut up, bitch!" The girls yelled.

That made me laugh. "Well Charlotte, your birthday was uncalled for" Calvin  said.

"I literally told you all one week before time" I said back "Well, I'm willing to serenade you  later on"

"Awwn!* I ruffled his hair. "Watch it!" He moved away. "Happy birthday, Charlotte" Mason said, dropping a heavy object on my arm.

"Fuck! What's this?" I Sked, trying to open the wrap. I finally realized what   it was. "A skateboard?"

"Yeah" he replied with a smile. "Oh my gosh!" I dropped it down, it was a green skateboard and it hady name on it.

"How did you..." He smiled. "Remember the your first day here and I asked you about yourself and you said you live skating and the colour green. So..." I walked to him and pulled him into a hug.

He did care about little details.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome" I shot him a smile. "So... Charlotte!" Cole yelled and I pulled away fromason and turned to him. "...i put a lot of effort into this portrait"

"Whoah! You made a painting of me?" I asked in amazement. "Fix your eyes on this!" He pulled out the large painting...what the fuck?!


"What's that?" Harley asked. "It's Charlotte!" He replied. "No shit!" Austin yelled.

It was a painting alright! But my face was just...curved in some kinda way.

"You call this talent?!" Bianca asked in disbelief. "What do you think, Charlotte?" He asked with a smile.

"But...i have red hair" I pulled my hair lightly. "Yeah..." He glanced at the painting. "...i ran out of red paint, so...just manage the blue hair"

Oh my gosh!

"Thanks guys! This is too much"  I said, looking at all the stuff they got for me. "Not yet! Austin still haven't gifted you!" Bianca disagreed, glaring at him.

"You aren't expecting anything from me, are you?" He asked, looking up from his phone.

"You're a dick" and they began arguing.

I looked around, someone wasn't here and it's just like ignoring the elephant in the room. "Where's Carson?" I asked and immediately the argument between them both ended.

"Uhh...there's something we wanna show you" Harley said, pulling me to the door. "First...you gotta be blindfolded" Bianca added, tying a scarf over my eyes.

"Why do I...need this?" I said  in confusion. I knew we went outside when the cold hit me. "Take steady steps" Harley said, still pulling my hands. I missed a step and fell to the floor.

"I said steady steps" she yelled. "I can't  fucking see!" I yelled, getting up and we continued moving. "Okay" we stopped walking. "What's happening?" I asked. "Nothing..." Bianca answered.

"Yeah, this is from our hearts" I heard Austin yell. "Shut up!" Bianca yelled back. Harley let's out a sigh and went on to say.

"He may not be here but...he still wishes you a happy birthday" I was still tryna understand what she said when the blindfold was ripped off my face.

My eyes immediately shot to the brand new car at a distance. Not just any car...

A Lamborghini. A fucking pink Lamborghini!!!

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