Epilogue - 2037

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Epilogue - 2037

May 1st 2037 ... New York City

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps into the lives of everyone, especially the Hamato Clan; for time always goes forward and even now things have changed for the family.

Ever since that night, the family has done everything they can to help Michelangelo back on his feet considering the nightmarish experience he went through because of Gideon.

But given that Gideon is now dead, the future could be different now and what Mikey had experienced will forever just be a nightmare and nothing more.

It took a long time but the baby brother, bit by bit, managed to recover from the traumatising future that he went through with the help of his family and friends.

Leo didn't abandon his family and forgave Splinter, who in turn did his very best to become a better father to his sons rather than just a sensei.

He and Michelangelo helped out the others in return as Leonardo learn that being a leader is not about perfection, it's about helping and guiding those to the road where they can work and inspire each other to work as a team.

It's OK to make mistakes and such but the main thing about being a leader is believing in your own self, believing in your teammates skills, and letting others have a voice to help each other. That's what a team and a leader is all about to the family.

Michelangelo also helped Donatello a lot by slowly getting the smart turtle to see that he doesn't need to fix everything. it's OK to feel down and not smart at times; the important thing is to always believe in your skills even when they fail and allow others to help you in your time of need. When all else fails, Donatello can always rely on his brothers to give him a hand and be there for him as he does for others.

The smart turtle felt more at peace with himself and also himself to let go of his perfection standards and just settle for being the person he is now and that's more than enough for him.

Raphael was helped out too by Michelangelo; bit by bit the youngest turtle told him at times that being angry and acting tough doesn't make him strong and it's OK to feel scared and unsure.

His feelings and depth that he hides for the sake of being tough is what really makes him strong and he shouldn't have to work alone because if you rely on only yourself without trusting anyone else, then you'll only feel empty and lost.

It took some time but Raphael let go of some of his anger whilst still being a hot head, he recently rarely lashes out on his family, especially Michelangelo; Eventually, Raphael embraced that it's alright to be scared and vulnerable.

As long as he has his brothers and friends by his side, he will always be strong and have something to live and fight for.

Last but not least, Michelangelo learned the lessons that he taught his brothers as his family assured him that he is not a screw up and he is every bit as important to this family than he thought.

For Michelangelo, he is the light and heart of the family and without him, things can never be the same as shown in that dark future.

The young turtle slowly begins to realise that he is loved and accepted by his family for they love every bit of the kind heart turtle for who he is and he never should be anyone but himself.

Peace has then come to the family and has been for a very long time that even now twenty years later, apart from some changes in life, New York City was pretty much nearly the same as it was twenty years ago and the things Mikey has seen are no more than faded nightmares that don't bother him anymore.

At the renovated farmhouse outside the city where they visited a few times, all four turtles, now in their forties, approached a tombstone underneath a handsome tree.

Eventually as the years go by, Splinter unfortunately passed away due to old age as it was just his time to pass. But this time he wasn't alone in his passing. He was surrounded by his sons, his daughter, even his grandchildren that Raphael and Mona had since they wedded long ago, and everyone of his friends as they gathered at his deathbed to say their goodbyes and love as the humanoid rat peacefully passed on in his sleep.

It was a sad time during his passing but the brothers helped each other together and went on with their lives like their father wanted for them peacefully.

They gathered at the grave site altogether and put down flowers on the tombstone.

"Hey dad, it's good to see you" Raphael softly spoke to the tombstone as if he was talking to Splinter's spirit.

"We miss you everyday, pops" Donnie nodded.

"We all do but we're doing alright" Leo smiled and put an arm around Mikey.

Soon they saw two children in their near teens putting down flowers for them. They were Raphael's kids: Splinter named after his grandfather, and Lisa named after her mother.

"Hey grandpa, we miss you,"  Splinter II said.

"I got your favourite flowers" Lisa added and put the flowers down.

"Your grandfather would be so proud of your kids," Raphael chuckled.

"I miss him, dad" The boy mutant who looked exactly like his father said.

"Me too" The girl mutant, a close resemblance of Mona Lisa, added.

"We all do, kids" Mikey hugs his nephew and niece: "But he's always here with us"

"Everyone, lunch is ready! We're having pizza!" April called out from the building.

"Coming Aunt April" Lisa happily calls back and runs to the house.

"Oh boy, pizza!" Splinter II cheered and followed after his sister.

The four brothers chuckled to which Leo added: "Some things never change in this family even with the new generation"

"Mmmhmm" Raphael agreed.

Soon the three brothers start to walk away before Mikey smiles at the grave of Splinter:

"Well papa...we did it, we're still together after all this time"

"You OK, Mikey?" Leo asked.

"I'm just...I just feel so much at peace now since it's been twenty years since...you know" Mikey replied.

Leo nodded and put a comforting hand on Mikey's shoulder: "We're always going to be together, little bro; even till the end of our lives"

"Here's to the future then" Mikey agreed.

"Agreed" Leo nodded.

Mikey warmly smiles at his eldest brother: "Thank you Leo, I wouldn't be here if not for you guys"

"No, thank you Mikey for always being our little sunshine" Leo warmly hugs his baby brother.

"You're never going to stop calling me even when I'm old and grey" Mikey laughed.

"Never" Leo chuckled.

As they bid one last goodbye to Splinter's tomb for now, they head back inside the house and had lunch together.

Michelangelo looks around his family, friends and even the new generation of his family at the dinner table before he closes his eyes and happily feels peace with himself.

For the first time...things are not so bleak and the future will be a road to happiness for many years till the day he dies...


Story ... A.G (Me)

Nickelodeon's 2012 adaptation of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is copyright to Nickelodeon Animation Studios

And that's the end of the story, hope you all enjoy it!

Have a nice day/evening!


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