Leo's Rage

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Chapter 3: Leo's Rage


Ever since that night, we...we felt so incomplete for the first time and that's coming from the days when we were hiding in April's farmhouse when Leo got injured and thought that Splinter was dead; And it feel like the time we were in space when Earth was destroyed with Honeycutt...

The night you vanished, we all thought you were dead and Gideon made his escape before we could do anything.

Raph and I couldn't say a thing as we just froze there like we didn't want this to happen, that we prayed this was only a nightmare and we'd be waking up soon!

But reality sank more as time went on before we heard Leo screaming out your name in complete despair

We heard the sirens getting louder and Splinter told us we had to leave. We just left but our minds were too much in despair to even care if anyone spotted us or not but thankfully no one did.

By the time we got to the lair, April and Casey were waiting for us and...Splinter had to break the news...we all mourned for you vigorously that night and even Ice Cream Kitty can be heard wailing out for you...

We held a memorial in your bedroom and kept it clean and undisturbed as a memorial tomb for you...

They say death can change a man, and it has for all of us.

I couldn't invent things and I tried but I felt like something was missing every time I try to complete something; then I realised you were always there to help me complete most of my inventions and without you...I just felt so lonely and hated the quiet in my lab even now before you came back, I was miserable and lonely...

You'd expected Raphael to be angrier and out of control but surprisingly, he just stays in his room and has been quiet and distant from us since we thought you'd died. I can often hear him crying at night in his room and some nights I peek inside and there he was...holding your teddy bear in his arms and venting out how much he misses you, how much he loves you and how much he's sorry for not being a better brother to you.

In fact, we all wish we could've done better for you...especially Leonardo and honestly...he suffered the worst.

The night you disappeared, he took your supposed death very hard that over the course of the few months since the funeral, he had gotten angrier and hostile, especially towards Splinter.

Your absence hit Leo the hardest and I only wish I could've been wiser and stronger to prevent Leo from what he did that day he left us...

October 21st 2017 - Six Months Later


Leonardo was training in the dojo alone using dummies to practice but the eldest turtle had unfortunately grown darker and violent, even surpassing Raphael at his worst aggression.

The leader was heartbroken that his baby brother was gone and was suffering with melancholy and self-hatred at himself.

He was supposed to be a leader, he was supposed to make sure his brothers are with him, that they work together and never leave each other behind.

But ever since Splinter prevented even one of them from going after Mikey and force them to instead focus on the bomb that was going to go off on the city in five minutes, Leonardo gradually lost respect for his so-called father figure, his master, his "hero"

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