Confronting Brothers

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Chapter 9: Confronting Brothers

Mikey watches intensely as the three brothers, now altogether in the same room for the first time since forever, are in the midst of a near showdown; all with one goal:

To protect Michelangelo from one another.

Raphael and Donatello knew Leonardo would be dangerous and keep Mikey as his prisoner all for the sake of protecting the youngest.

Leonardo wanted Michelangelo protected and now having him return, he will do anything to make sure his baby brother will not be doomed by staying with Donatello and Raphael.

One is a vigilante killer and the other is a shut-out cyborg.

Mikey hopes he has the power to stop his brothers from killing one another and help them see reason to stop the endless fighting and hatred upon each other.

" two finally found my lair; let me guess, Mikey's T-Phone" Leo sneered at the two turtles.

"No shit, Sherlock" Donnie firmly scoffed.

"Mikey, back away from Leo! Now!" Raphael ordered.

"No! Stay with me, little brother! I can protect you" Leo tried to lure Mikey to him.

"Guys, please! This doesn't have to explode with violence" Mikey pleaded.

"Mikey, you know you shouldn't have run away like that! You promised us!" Donnie cried.

"I'm sorry but I had to find Leo!" Mikey protested

"Even after we told you what he has become?! After what he did to us?!" Raphael argued, glaring daggers at the Foot Leader.

"Because he knows I'm his only chance of survival" Leonardo growled.

"No Leo, that is not it! I came because I want you dudes to stop fighting!" Mikey shook his head:

"This is not who you guys are! You're all better than what you have become! We're not enemies, we're brothers, a family!"

"Mikey, none of us have been brothers for years," Donnie pointed out.

"Oh, so what was all that last night? Huh?! You and Raph seemed to finally not mind being in the same room when I came back" Mikey angrily retorted.

Donnie and Raph looked at one another as they cannot help but admit that part was true; ever since Mikey returned, it's like they slowly opened up to one another but they wonder if it was for Mikey's sake and not theirs.

"We just want to protect you, Mikey," said Raphael.

"He doesn't need your protection, I can look after him" Leonardo snarled, pulling Mikey close to him.

"Over my dead body!" Raphael growled out, pointing his shotgun at Leo.

"That can be arranged," Leo threatened with his katanas.

"Easy now, Leo; we might end up putting you in a coma which I'm sure you'd be wondering what that might be like...Oh, wait," Donatello mocked.

Leo just darkly chuckles: "How I miss your sarcastic retorts, Donnie"

He then sneers at the cyborg: "Tell me, how's your girlfriend, April? Not cooked up or anything like that now, has she? ... Oh, wait (!)"

"You motherfucker!!" Donnie angrily attempts to attack but Raphael held him back:

"Are ya crazy?! You'll hurt Mikey!" Raphael snapped.

"Still a pathetic simp as always," Leo scoffed.

"Leo, stop" Mikey attempted to cease the arguments.

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