Destroyed Brotherhood

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Chapter 7: Destroyed Brotherhood

Donatello and Raphael were honestly not surprised by Michelangelo's request to find Leonardo since he is still their brother after all that has happened.

"Mikey" Donnie started.

"I know you guys fell apart since this whole thing happened but I wish to help you guys set things right and together we can defeat Gideon as a team" Michelangelo vehemently replied.

"Mike; we all want to stop Gideon, believe us, but times have changed and we have changed, especially Leo" Raphael sighs.

"We can help him together; once he sees that I'm still alive, he'll see we have a fighting chance" Mikey pressed on, hoping to lift their spirits.

"Leo wants nothing to do with us anymore" Donnie sadly stated.

"All he cares about is revenge and since Gideon took over, Leo started to hate humanity for their treatment towards mutants and wants to destroy them all especially Gideon to punish them...he's letting hatred and vengeance control him like the Shredder did" 

"Maybe if I see him then his heart will return to the light" Mikey hoped to himself.

"He won't change nor be persuaded, believe me, I'd tried" Raphael firmly replied.

"What are you talking about?" Mikey worryingly asked.

"Five years after Gideon took over and Splinter passed away, I'd managed to find Leo one day on top of a ruined city building as he was slaughtering some of the Ex-Mutation Squad that were on the hunt for mutants..." Raphael began, tragically reminiscing the last time he and Leo met.

September 30th 2023

Nightfall in the wasteland of New York City, Raphael was at the surface looking for the one turtle who abandoned them, Leonardo.

Raphael didn't know why he was looking for Leo since the eldest selfishly abandoned them to get his revenge on Gideon.

Raph would just let Leo go for all he cared and never bother worrying about him again but in his heart, he'd be lying when he said he didn't care.

Raphael worries for Leo and wants to help him, he lost Mikey, then most of his friends. and now Splinter, his father, recently died and all Splinter can ask was..."Where's Leonardo?"

Those were Splinter's last words before he died as it haunts Raphael so much that he will not stop until he finds Leonardo and have him return to the family.

Endless fruitless searches have passed until one September night, he can hear gunshots and screams before he dove into the shadows behind a building and looks over to see Leonardo, alive but ruthlessly murdering the soldiers that were sent to kill them.

Raphael was shocked to see his eldest brother still alive but executing the soldiers without a shred of mercy.

After the eldest turtle is victorious, he begins to walk away when Raph steps out of the shadows and barks out his name. Leonardo stopped in his steps but didn't look back; somehow he knew Raphael was there.

"Leo, I know it's you and I know you can hear me! Turn around and face me!" Raphael yelled as he stepped closer to his older brother.

Leo turns but instead of his blue mask that Splinter gave him, he is now wearing a black mask. Leo looked menacing and heartless compared to how he was years ago before Mikey disappeared.

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