20: The Forces Against The Foes.

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If you're aware of Chapter 19: the reminder you normally see will no longer be present, well, fully. I won't give a whole block about it. But I'll summarize it here: I recommend to read the former chapters, otherwise !SPOILERS! for the story if you're not aware of details or not kept up! Otherwise, Enjoy!

Ryuto: It's that..again...why?

???: don't worry, I can save you too

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???: don't worry, I can save you too...ryuto...

Ryuto palms his head in anguish as a "painful" memory comes back to him

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Ryuto palms his head in anguish as a "painful" memory comes back to him.

Ryuto: not again...NOT AGAIN! (when he gets out of his head) WAIT!

Ryuto then shouts out to the others!

Ryuto: Look! I know I sound like background noise to you all, but seriously! Even if that creature came from a enemy side, it's not impossible to think that he wants to change! Give him a chance to turn a new leaf! After all, you did that with me!

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Ryuto: Look! I know I sound like background noise to you all, but seriously! Even if that creature came from a enemy side, it's not impossible to think that he wants to change! Give him a chance to turn a new leaf! After all, you did that with me!

sans: well difference is, your not much of a threat, believe it or not. we don't know where this creature came from.

Ryuto looks down, hurt by Sans words, now feeling invalidated. He then thinks back on Mephiles' deal. 

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