They all got ready to go and Hea smiled at Hoseok.

"Hoba, you really are a fashion genius."

"That's what I am." He said, cockily, taking in the praise.

"Let's go bitches." Yoongi announced before locking Hea's door.

They all piled in the BMW and drove off.


"That's where you guys wake me up early in the fucking morning to take me? The fucking mall?"

Hea stood glaring at the three boys with her hands on her hips.

They laughed.

"Let's goooo."

Hea was dragged inside the mall.

"First off. Shopping."

They went inside a men's store and Hea boringly took a seat while Hoseok picked out clothes for Yoongi. And Daniel flirted with all the workers there, male and female.

"How's this one?" Yoongi came out.

His boyfriend clapped excitedly but Daniel gave a thumbs down.

"Still buy it babe." Hoseok rolled his eyes.

Hea laughed and smacked Daniel, who was now pouting, on his arm.

The couple finished trying on their set of clothes and Daniel went his turn.

"Nahh. It's too big."
Hoseok and Yoongi gave their disapproval.

"That's what she said."

A small murmur came from Hea, who was still looking in her phone.

All the boys turned to her shocked and then started laughing.

She looked up, chuckling.

"What the fuck Hea?" Daniel asked, almost red from laughing.

Daniel then hurried up with his shopping and took them to the food court.

"I know y'all asses did not spend a whole four hours shopping."

The three boys laughed.

"Imma go order food. Who wants to come?" Hoseok asked.

"You can't make me come." Hea thought outloud.

It took the three boys a minute processing what she said.

"Bitch you-" Yoongi then burst out laughing.

Hoseok turned red as a beet.

Daniel pulled him away, giggling.

"Why you so dirty minded?" Yoongi asked, after composing himself.

"Why you so small?" She fired back.

"How do you know?"

"Bitch, you short. So of course, it small." She deadpanned, making him burst out laughing again.

After a while, Hoseok and Daniel returned with fast food and they all began to eat.

"Yo Danny, why your face so red?"

Hoseok laughed.
"Hea. Someone finally put him in his place!"

"What happened babe?"

"He saw this really cute worker and tried a pick up line on her. Obviously, he was expecting her to get shy but she flirted back! And I gotta say, she was smooth!"

"No way! You are lying Hobi?" Hea turned to her cousin, "Someone out flirted the flirt!" She teased.

"Shut uppp." He whined, making his friends laugh at him.

My Innocent Baby BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora