Chapter four

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Twenty minutes later the air changed. It tickled my skin and ruffled my hair.

I was outside!

I rubbed my head against the bed beneath me in an attempt to remove the blindfold from over my eyes. Centimeter by centimeter it moved until finally it fell to the side. For a moment I was blinded by the light, then my eyes adjusted.

The landscape around me was like nothing I'd ever seen before. Prickly purple plants covered the ground. Singular cerulean leaves bigger than houses grew in clusters everywhere. The sky was black aside from a speckling of of colorful stars and two massive orbs I assumed were planets. One was green and the other was purple.

As I watched the sky a large shape of a slightly darker shade of black came into view. It started out no bigger than a pinprick, but was growing larger by the second. The larger it got the more detail I was able to make out.

The creature was fluffy and pink, it had massive wings more than twice my size. Its head was round and it's eyes were massive and glittery.

It was kinda cute. I had an urge to pet it.

The creature opened its mouth and screamed. Inside it's mouth were massive teeth, each bigger than my thumb and stained red.

I no longer wanted to pet it. I wanted to run.

The creature was coming straight for me.

I screamed and tried to raise my arms to shield myself only to realize I was still restained. I only had a few seconds before the glittering teeth of the creature would be tearing through my flesh.

I turned to the man "It's going to kill me!"

The man shrugged and kept on walking. The creature kept on coming.

Didn't these people at least want me alive? Did he really not care?

At the last possible moment the man's hand shot out and grabbed the massive creature around the neck. He crushed its windpipe and dropped the lifeless body to the ground. The creature was three times the size of the man.

All the while the man didn't change his pace. He just grumbled to himself about wishing he'd worn bug spray.

If those were the bugs I didn't want to know what the animals around here were like.

I shivered and wished I was back home where the bugs were small and the people weren't ridiculously strong. I wished I was back with my sister, baking cookies, and that the worst thing in my life was my F in math.

I would give anything to be back home.

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