"Izuku, could you drop this on Mic's desk in the teachers office? He put it in my bag this morning by accident-" Aizawa whispers to his son who chuckled before agreeing.
"Thanks." He says sighing in relief.

"Want me to come with?" Katsuki offers and Izuku shakes his head.
"I'll be quick don't worry!" He smiles walking out of the classroom to the hallways.

Izuku was walking to the office when he stopped startled by a loud message yelled in the intercoms.

The alarm was activated and the same message was announced in loop. Izuku felt slightly frightened but he hid in the teachers lounge. He was too far from the classroom to go back. It was the first time something like this happened so the freckled boy was extremely nervous.
The room was empty, the teachers who were there seconds before had went to check for the alarm in a rush.

He went in the corner of the room and took deep breaths. His heart stopped when a huge cloud of black mist appeared and a man with light blue hair and hands gripped to his body appeared. Izuku didn't move a muscle and didn't do a sound as the man came in. But when the stranger looked around the room and he spotted Izuku who was actually holding a very calm behaviour even tho he was anxious inside.

"Who are you" The intruder asks with venom.
"I'm Izuku and who are you?" He asks back trying to seem neutral.
"Shigaraki, tell me. What are you doing here?" He asks taking a step towards the boy.
"I'm a student here." He answers truthfully as he analyzes the physique of the other boy who didn't look over 20. "You look injured, are you okay?" Izuku asks worried, he had rashes all over his body. Shigaraki was slightly taken aback by his question.

"Why do you care?!" He asks annoyed taking a step forward.
"It just seems to hurt, you don't have to tell me, I was just wondering since I have cream that I could give you that should help." Izuku explains panicked and the other boy just looks at him completely confused. "Is it related to your quirk? I realized most quirk users tend to have negative side effects on their bodies." Izuku questions nervously.
"I destroy whatever I touch, I destroy and if I don't, my body craves for more." He explains now walking to a desk feeling less threatened by the boy.
"I see.. here." Izuku cautiously walks to Mic's desk and takes out the bottle labeled with his name. "Take this, it should maybe help, it's mine but I'm sure you could at least try." Izuku smiles giving it to him and the other cautiously take it.

"Why are you doing this." The vilain asks confused.

"Because for whatever reason you are here, I can't stop you from doing anything. You seem to come for a reason but not to kill, not today at least and I know that your irritated skin might be annoying to you so might as well try to get something positive out of this." Izuku chuckles.

Shigaraki was unsure of if the boy was sane. "I'd love to chat more, but I have things to do. I hope we meet again." He says taking a picture of a paper on All Might's desk which made Izuku frown but he got this far without being harmed. He already had his quirk and name it was already something.

"Remember me as Tomura Shigaraki, the leader of the league of villain. We will be those who will cause the fall of All Might the symbol of peace." He says with a villainous tone and Izuku nods with a smile.

"Tell me how the cream works next time!" Izuku waves goodbye to the perplexed men who was confused on the smaller boy's attitude.

He leaves in the portal and Izuku immediately loses his smile rushing to the desk to see what he took a picture of. It was the schedule of class 1-A. What was he looking for exactly? Izuku doesn't think twice before rushing back to his classroom where he bumps into Aizawa on the way. His parent was going to find him since he was out of class when the alarm started, he just needed to see.

"A man, Tomura Shigaraki, his quirk: he destroys everything he touches and he's says he's the leader of the League of Villains and I have no clue who they are. He said they would be the cause of the fall of All Might. I gave him my cream because his skin was all irritated!" Izuku explains in a panic.

Aizawa slowly processes the information of what was just said. Why the cream tho? Aizawa shrugs that part off because his son did weird things sometimes that was better not to question.

"Izuku, calm down. Are you okay, did he hurt you?" Aizawa asks worried and when he shakes his head the teacher feels relief.

"He took a picture of class 1-A's schedule, the one from All Might. He came from some sort of portal, it was dark mist, it wasn't his quirk which means he has someone he works with. His quirk, he said if he touches anything it destroys. When he was holding or touching anything, he was always careful not to touch with his 5 fingers. When I gave him the bottle it confirmed it." Izuku continues explaining a lot calmer this time. "I'm sorry, I let him go, it would have been useless if I tried to fight against him so I tried to at least talk to him.." Izuku mumbles ashamed and the other snorts.

"He would have escaped anyways, you were able to give us information, you did more then great. I'd kill you if you had attacked anyways." He pats his head reassuring the boy a little. "Now go control your boyfriend while I go report to Nezu, we'll be able to check the security footage of what happened." He says and Izuku nods with a long sigh before walking to class 1-A. The second he opens the door everyone was looking at him. Kirishima and Sero were holding Katsuki back. The dog is set loose to tackle Izuku down when he is spotted.

"Fucking shit Deku! You're a fucking idiot!" Katsuki scolds hugging him tightly making Izuku chuckle.

"Thank god it was only because of the media who broke in." Uraraka says in a long relieved sigh making Izuku tense up. It doesn't go unnoticed to Bakugo who looked at his boyfriend with a questioning look.
"Yeah...." Izuku mumbles.

"It wasn't the media, was it..?" Katsuki asks in a whisper and Izuku shakes his head no.

"And let me guess, you were with the vilain who got in?" Katsuki asks slightly irritated.
"I was able to get some information at least.." Izuku mumbles and Katsuki stares at him before sighing loudly.

"Idiot" The blond flicks Izuku's forehead making the other smile nervously.

The class were also relieved to see Midoriya was okay, they aren't dumb tho, they knew if it was really just the media, Aizawa would have came back with Izuku.

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