She was deep in memories and thoughts, trying to make sense of it all, when she heard her phone ring. She looked at the screen and saw that it was her father calling her. She turned off her cell phone. She was in no condition to talk to him at the moment. She was hurt, angry and feeling betrayed by her own parents.

Pruit, noticing Andy's cell phone was off, decided to call Robert.

Pruit: How's my favorite son-in-law?

Robert was a little tense, but he didn't want to convey his tension to Pruit, so he gave a discreet laugh and replied:

Robert: I hope I'm your only son-in-law, after all, you only have one daughter.

Pruit: No doubt you're the one. Andy only has eyes for you.

Robert: And I for her.

Pruit: And speaking of my daughter, I've been trying to call her cell phone and I can't get through. Is she close to you?

Robert didn't want to tell the truth so as not to ruin Pruit's trip, so even though he didn't like it, he had to lie.

Robert: She had a bit of a headache and fell asleep. I'll tell her you called.

Pruit: Thank you.

They disconnected the call. Robert was worried and Lucas and Vic could see the tension in him.

Lucas: If you're worried about Andy, try calling her.

Robert: She didn't answer Pruit and she certainly won't answer me either.

Vic: Give her a break. When you least expect it, it will be here. She won't be able to sleep without you.

Robert trusted Vic's words, even though his heart was sinking at the thought of what Andy might be reading in those letters.

Lucas and Vic left, leaving Robert alone in the house.

Throughout the day, Robert tried to call Andy and send her messages, but he couldn't because she had turned off her cell phone. When it got dark, Robert noticed that it was late and Andy still hadn't returned. He then got into his car and drove to Pruit's house. He saw her car parked and her old bedroom lights on. He thought a lot about whether he should go in, even though she wanted to be alone, or whether he should go back home and respect her wish. He stood in front of the house just watching while he decided what was right to do.

Inside the house, Andy was lying on her bed, reading the other letters. The more she read, the more she cried. She couldn't understand what was going on. She needed answers. Her whole life had been one big lie and she was hurt by everyone she loved the most. Her mother and father for lying to her, making her suffer, and now for not having Robert by her side, supporting her. Because her husband thought she was going crazy and would rather support Pruit than his wife. She felt alone, angry. She then decided to do the only thing that could remove all the doubts she still had. She turned on Pruit's computer and bought tickets to New York for her next free day.

As soon as she made the purchase, she opened the last missing card. The most recent, whose date was the same as her marriage.

"Dear Andrea, Today I received your wedding photos and my heart was filled with joy. You seem to be so in love that, even from a distance, I could feel that you are happy. I want you to be happy. I want you to live this love intensely."

Upon reading that letter, she got even more angry, but this time angry with herself. Her mother was right. She was in love with her husband and had no doubt that he was in love with her too. They faced many obstacles and yet she can say without a doubt that her life with Robert has turned her into a much happier woman than she was before meeting him. She was missing him. Then, she looked at the clock and saw that it was already very late. Andy never imagined that Robert was parked in front of Pruit's house. She thought that Robert should already be sleeping, because they would have to be at work early the next day. So, she decided that she would go to sleep and the next day she would apologize to him.

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