chapter 24

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Taehyung just finished picking Nivi from school, he couldn't help but notice the dull mood of the latter...

Nivi...Are you okay ?

Yea, I'm fine..

But you look anything but fine, is something bothering you?

It's Gayeon..

What happened to him?

He hasn't come to school for 3 days now and I miss him so much taetae uncle " ...

Do you know where he lives, we could check on him if you want?

Really?! She jumped on him with happiness... Thank you, thank you thank you so much uncle..

But we do have one problem, where does he stay ?

We'll go ask my teacher am sure she'll be able to tell us, we were asked to fill in our address for security reasons sometime ago during school resumption...

Okay, let's go find your teacher...they both grinned happily.

One was happy she's gonna meet her best friend and the other was happy to meet the bunny looking boy again...


  After a long morning of fun and talks jungkook finally put Gayeon to sleep and he could finally breathe... H stared at his sleeping son for a while until he heard his doorbell ring...

He placed a sweet peck on his son's head and exited the room closing the door shut .

Security guard: Sir , there's someone who wants to see you...

Jungkook: oh, let him in then...

The younger brushed his hair abit adjusted his collar as he walked out of his mansion but was surprised to see only bogum walking in... his heart that was once thumping loud ceased to shock...

What are you doing here alone..

Jungkook, I'm really sorry trust me I tried my best, he won't just listen... Taehyung is so done with you'

W.. what do you m.. mean? My tae doesn't want to see me,?

I'm sorry kook, he said he's happy and you should totally forget meeting him, he pretended to cry as he clutched his shirt tight... going on his knees..he said that he has finally found his soulmate and you were just a phase to him...

You're lieing bogum, tae will never say that  , I can't understand, I want to see him ' make me see him NOW!!! He wiped his tears fiercely as he made small sniffs , he wasn't able to believe bogum but he can't totally deny it, he knows taehyung and since bogum has seen him what's taking taehyung a second more... He continued doubting but what made him weak to his knees was the words the other muttered...

Tena's pregnant, I think the pressure is too much for him , hearing you come back all of a sudden and his baby... I think that's why he's reacting that way ....I beg you Jungkook leave while you can , take your baby and never come back you don't deserve someone like taehyung who used you as trash , got you pregnant and threw you away ...he loved how he indirectly told him the truth and the scene in front of him watching the younger clutch his hair, hold his chest , seize and try to get back his breath was to die for... Jungkook please take care of your baby and don't let him grow up with the thought that he's gonna have a Father...leave while you can and never come back this time...

But, but please bogum let me meet him this once let him say it to my face, I want to see if the eyes that once held love carries hate now" I just don't know what to do please help me , let me meet him this once* he begged practically hugging and crying down on his knees...I need him to tell me himself that he doesn't want me or our baby ' please hyung...

The elder got to his level and cupped his cheeks... What else do you want to hear ? , how much can I tell you ? Taehyung doesn't love you anymore, it's the right time to say goodbye, you should understand that you and taehyung are not meant to be from the start , your destinies just don't match, you already made a mistake by making a baby with him and now you want to spoil him and ruin his happiness by coming back to his life? ! Are you that heartless, you're wicked and I can't watch my friend suffer anymore because of you so I'm sorry , I won't let you see him...move on with your life taehyung doesn't love you anym-





Peek_ a _ boo bitches!!

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