chapter 10

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Tena was frozen when she saw jungkook's car fading away, she was too stunned she could barely speak never had she thought she'll meet Jungkook today, and what was he doing here'

Mama, are we not going home ?

I'm sorry baby... Get in the car ..

The two got home and Tena prepared food for the younger after getting Nivi freshened up ,

she was feeling a little blubby today' . After eating their dinner, Nivi requested she wants ice cream for deserts...

They both went out to get ice cream at their favorite ice cream parlor, she was just so excited to see the younger after so many years, she noticed he was more chubby and cute, he still had sparkle in his eyes and a delicate voice... finally God answered her prayers that she met the younger...

Ohh taehyung will be excited on this news... she kept mumbling to herself '

Omma* your ice cream is melting '

Shoot sorry, do you want ?

Nuh, uh why buy it if you not gonna eat it...

Tena just frowned,........


Jungkook drove home and Gayeon noticed his sour mood, he didn't like it all,he knew something going on in his head and he wanted to ask but his facial expression wasn't helping at all...

Gayeon: Omma, are you okay?

Jungkook: yes baby, m fine..

Gayeon,:but you've been spacing out alot, something bothering you..

Jungkook:baby , I'm fine don't you want to eat anything?

Gayeon: No!

Jungkook: Okay, wait did you say no?...why

Gayeon: because you don't look okay, I heard you sniffling when we came back from school, tell me mama are you okay? .

Jungkook stared at his child a replica of taehyung he was feeling emotional all of a sudden, why did the child have to be like the elder,he was blessed to have his baby with him, he knew having taehyung's child will make him stronger and he's really glad to have him by his side, but now taehyung had move on , he was too heartbroken to think of anything .

Gayeon: Mama, Mama,see you spacing out again!!

Jungkook: M so sorry, mama has alot on her mind but she'll solve it soon okay, now come help ma... let's cook together '..

Gayeon used his two hands to wipe his tears as he placed a soft kiss on his forehead..I love you mama '

I love you too baby,I love you so much...

Tena went home carrying a sleepy Nivi on her shoulder while walking to the Porch she already saw taehyung's car at the driveway and she knew the elder was home...

Taehyung: where have you been....

Just give me a minute, she went upstairs, placed her baby in the room and locked it afterwards'.

Taehyungggg, you won't believe who I saw today, she came downstairs sprinting towards the elder, '

Okay, okay calm down and tell me who you saw, he said while sipping his coffee ...

I saw Jungkook!!

The glass he held Shattered to pieces , he dropped it on hearing the name he was stilled,! Frozen, everything shocked him..

Where, when??, how??

At nivi' s school, I was shocked myself, but he didn't react to me very well, I could see pain in his eyes..

Thanks Tena, thank you very much for telling me this....

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