chapter 3

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Jungkook just finished doing the house chores while Mona was busy eating, Tena decided to tease Jungkook a little so she spilled her juice on the floor but Jungkook being naive thought it happened by mistake but when she turned it again, he noticed her evil smirk

Why are you doing this?! He asked on the most polite way he could

Because I love seeing you this way, and besides are you not the cleaner, This is your work so do your job , Stop asking me stupid questions...she spatted;

Jungkook dint want to show his tears to her so he quickly turned back to leave but stopped again when he realized she already left , he held the counter trying his best not to break down but it was Getting really hard for him so he did what he knows best he touched the few rubber band hanging in his wrist , dragged it and letting go of it
.. causing it to sting he was just trying to cover his pain that was aching in his heart. .. ..



Taehyung arrived home as usual, He met with his hyungs today but wasn't entirely happy because all his hyungs talked about was how they missed their kookie.... Don't get it wrong he's not jealous, just sad that Jungkook dint get the chance to see them

He just finished freshing up when he met Tena lying beside his bed

What are you doing here?! He asked irritatedly...

Oh c'mon tae, is this how you talk about your soon to be wife .... she asked

Shutup!; I'll never love you, You and your mother are nothing but a homewrecker and disgraceful human and I'll never associate myself with someone like you,. He spat angrily

Just you watch taehyung, you'll see what I'll do. She said leaving angrily

She bumped into Jungkook who fell, ass flat on the ground.  ..... She just scoffed looking at him

Jungkook noticed how she left abruptly but quickly helped himself up when he heard trashing sound coming from Taehyung's room...He was so worried so he immediately sprinted towards the room

Tae..tae , please stop I don't like seeing you like this , Jungkook stated low

Kookie ﹏ you don't understand! Dad freaking arrange my marriage with that girl!!! Taehyung spat angrily.. to marry that girl, he questioned trying not to break down

'I don't want this ' I swear but all the arrangements has been done and signed

Kookie please tell me what to do, I don't love her
I can't even marry her, please k.koo , please , taehyung was crying already


Hyung , I think dad knows best and I'm happy for you, you need to start a new life anyway and I hope she takes care of you....

He was already out of taehyung's room , he dint know what to do , He never even told him about his feelings heck, the boy he has ever had feelings for was getting married, he dint know what to feel before he was empty, alone , he just kept dragging his band letting it hit his wrist so he could focus on that pain , but he knew no pain could cover the one he's feeling in his heart ,( A/n: I know am also crying too ಠ⁠﹏⁠ಠ)


Taehyung on the other hand was confused, Does Jungkook still love him why aren't they fighting for their love , He should say it already and they'll find a way out but Jungkook just left him alone with his thoughts

I thought he loved me, I thought we had a connection, was it only one sided ....Arrgh!!; He started throwing stuffs again...

After some hours

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