You're my family.

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I must be dreaming, there's no other sane explanation for being wrapped up in Jackson's arms. There's absolutely no reason for him to give me that huge smile after ignoring him for the past two years. He releases a huge sigh, his body releasing all the tension it had, "Miss me?" I choke on a sob and squeeze him tighter. "Don't you fucking think you're forgiven Allie Stevens but damn you if I'm not happy to have finally found you." He releases me much too early for my sake and holds my shoulders to look at me from head to toe. "You look really good Allie." I smile feeling tears run down my face. "So do you." He brings me to his chest again. "God I missed you." I inhale a deep breath taking in the smell that I've known since I was three years old. I can't believe he's here. "You going to tell me who the sex god shooting daggers at me is? Although at the same time I think he's trying to smile at me." I chuckle and pull away from him turning to face the others. "Jackson this is Liam, Harper and Aiden. Everyone this is Jackson." Harper steps closer and takes out her hand to shake his, Jackson grabs her hand and brings it to his lips earning a blush from Harper and a scowl from Liam. "Nice to meet you." Harper barely says swooning. "Pleasures all mine trust me." Liam steps between them grabbing his hand. "I'm the boyfriend and he's Allie's boyfriend."Jackson's smile slips for a minute as he and Aiden eye each other. "Relax Liam, he may be more interested in you and Aiden then me and Harper." Harper's jaw hits the floor. "Seriously? Why is always the hot dudes that are gay?" She takes the key from my hand and heads to the front door. Aiden and Jackson are still looking at each other, Aiden breaks the tension. "I've heard a lot about you man, it's good to finally meet you." Jackson's lips tip up a bit, "Can't say the same about you or anyone for that matter. She hasn't spoken a word to me in two years." I close my eyes and take a deep breath, "Jackson..."

"Your trainer? Really Allie?" What? How does he know that? I'm taken aback by his tone, he's never spoken to me that way, not that I blame him, I'll be mad at him too if he didn't speak to me for this long. Aiden's arm wraps around my waist, Jackson glares at where his hand rests and shakes his head. "Let's talk inside." Aiden says moving me in front of him.


A little while after we got inside, Ben joined us. Harper and I are in the kitchen making some sandwiches while the guys are chatting in the living room. "How did he find you? I thought you hadn't spoken to him since..." She looks down avoiding my gaze, she's the least one to know anything, I know it hurts her more than she lets on but I appreciate her patience. "I haven't, I don't know how he found me." She grabs the plates, "Let's go find out then." I grab the glasses and the drinks and walk behind her. "Wow that was a great fight dude. I'll definitely come watch your next one if you have any tickets left."

      "You're staying?" My voice comes out harsher than I mean to and I don't miss the hurt that flashes in his eyes. He clears his throat, "I'm not sure yet." He looks down at Liam's iPad and I stand frozen in my spot. Aiden stands up and takes the glasses and drinks from me kissing my forehead in the process. I let out a sigh, I am so glad he's here, I think I'd have run if it wasn't for him. I don't miss Jackson's side eye  as I go to sit next to him. "So how did you find me?" He looks at me as if I slapped him. God I keep fucking up. "Seriously? That's the first thing you're going to ask me?" He waits for a reply but I just stare at him. I don't know how to do this. I don't think I can do this. Not with everyone here, not without telling him everything and I can't do that. It'll destroy him. He releases a deep breath and faces me. "Joe Martinez found me." 

      "What?" I whisper. He nods, "Yeah, he found me and told me where to find you." He looks at me again, waiting for a response. "What else did he tell you?" He drops his head and stands up running his hands through his hair, he takes a deep breath. "You know I promised myself I was going to be patient and understanding but seeing you with them, with him I can't do it Al. Fuck I can't do it." I can feel my eyes fill with tears. My voice cracks as I tell him . "You don't understand."

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