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I broke up with Olivia.

She heard what happened in psych with Mr.Davis. Well she was more interested in the fact that I stood up for Allie, just whining about how I never stood up for her and some other crazy shit.

I managed to calm her down and tell her it was just because Mr.Davis was being a dick and she knows I don't like him so yeah that worked. But then she started talking shit about Allie, my blood started boiling. She doesn't even know anything about her, none of us do.

I still managed to keep my anger in check after that but then she started saying about how cute it was that my sister started hanging out with her which she thought was a perfect duo cause they're both psycho.

Thats when I lost it.

I should've done it a long time ago, we haven't really been together since before summer so yeah we both saw it coming.

That was the reason I was late to pick up Allie. I got to know some stuff about her on the way here but I think I got a little too comfortable with the questions and scared her away again.

Liam was happy that she joined us for lunch today. He basically told her his entire childhood story. I don't how how she managed to stay through all of it, I expected her to make an excuse and bolt out of there.

She seems to get along with Harper as well which I am ecstatic about. Harper needs girl friends. Badly.

We're almost done from our session today. We did a kind of a duo session? I guess we could call it. I didn't get a chance to workout today so we basically just did a full body taking turns with rest and all that.

"You've got ten seconds left." Shit I haven't done planks in so long. Maybe I shouldn't have done a five minute one but Allie didn't let me give up.

"And 3...2...1. And you're done."

I slam my body on the floor and roll over so that I'm on my back. Allie is standing over me looking at me with a smirk on her face. "Told you you were going to do it." She reaches her hand to me and helps me up.

"You'd make a good trainer." I tell her while wiping the sweat off my face. She scoffs. "Now you're just being extra."

She throws me a bottle of water and I happily down half of it, god its so hot in here. The ac's aren't working, Allie is in a damn sweatshirt. I don't know how she's still breathing. I told her she could take it off but she said she was ok, something about liking the heat rather than being cold. I just dropped it.

"I'm not. Come on, your turn." She lays down on the floor and gets ready for her plank. "So I'll set the timer to one and a half minute, you think you can do that?"

She's been pushing herself pretty hard today, I don't want her to over do it.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

I nod and get the timer ready. "And go."

Her phone starts ringing. "Can you get that its probably Joe." I go get her phone from her bag looking at the screen and see a picture of her and Joe. Cute.

"Yeah its Joe." I show her the phone screen. "Can you get it? I'm kinda busy." I'm surprised she let me get her phone she's so closed off and a private person but like I said yesterday, she's different in here more free and open.

I put the phone on speaker. "Allie's phone." There's loud noises coming from the other end. "Aiden? Where's Allie is everything ok?" I mouth fifty seconds to Allie to let her know how much she has left. "Yeah she's just doing a plank right now."

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