Rumors are true.

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So much blood.

Bones cracking.

I felt his knuckles break with every punch he took.


I can't feel my face, my whole body hurts. He punches me again in the stomach.

"You think you can lie to my face Allie? After everything I've done for us. For you. Why do you have to be such a bitch?"

I clench my body holding my stomach. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

He grabs me by the hair and drags me to the bathroom. I know what's coming. "Callum please don't. I wasn't lying to you I swear. Please...why don't you bel...believe me?" I can barely get the words out. Everything hurts.

He slams me against the wall. "Believe you? How could I believe you? You had his cum all over you and your legs were spread on our bed. How could you do this to me?"

It's no use he won't believe me. He won't even remember this happened in a couple of hours. His breath reeks of alcohol and his eyes are bloodshot red with dilated pupils . I don't think he's ever been this high before.

I don't say anything, it won't matter. This isn't my Callum. He puts me down on my knees and lifts my shirt up. He looks at me through the mirror as he positions to scissors to my back.

He has so much pain in his eyes.

"You can't leave me Allie. I'm going to remind you what happens if you do."

My body hurts, I can't fight him anymore. I'm so tired.

"Please...don't do this."

Tears fall from his eyes. "I'm sorry baby."

And he marks me again.

The worst part of this is that it's hurting him more than it's hurting me.


I'm shaken awake. I open my eyes and find Liam standing near the car door. "We're here."

I must've fallen asleep on our way here. Everything is such a haze. I take out my keys, my hands are shaking and I can't even put them in the lock. Liam's warm hands wrap around mine. "I've got it." He takes the keys from me and opens the door. "Thank you."

I walk inside and take my coat off, "Can you lock the door please?" Liam looks up at me and nods.

I lay on the sofa and snuggle myself in my Simba blanket. I wish I could see him again, I wonder what happened to him.

"Do you want me to make you anything?" I hum in response. Liam flicks my forehead. "Ouch. What was that for?"

Liam shrugs and gives me a toothy smile. He's such a baby.

"Well for that I would please like a tower of pancakes and an iced coffee."

His eyes widen and I can't help but laugh at him. He clears his throat.

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