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My client left a couple minutes ago. Martinez is here working out, he said his client should be here by eight. I walk over to him to catch up, I haven't seen him in a while. He calls every now and then but cause he has his own gym at his house, he doesn't come here that much anymore.

"Hey Joe." I help him get the weights back on the bar and scrunch my face when I see the weight he was using. "Two hundred pounds? Come on, you can do way better than that." He chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm getting old kid." I scoff. "No amount of years can ever slow you down Martinez." He smiles and takes a sip from his water. He's sweating like a cow in a slaughter house, don't think I've ever seen him sweat before not this much anyway. Must be an off day or something.

"So about this new client of mine, what do I need to know about him?" I ask eagerly wanting to know about his new protege.

"What makes you think its a him?" I feel a lump in my throat. Oh hell no. I've never trained a girl before. I don't have anything against them, its just no girl has come to me for PT and I guess it just stayed that way.

"Stop worrying. She's my niece. She started with me a couple weeks ago. She knows the basics but nothing too big, I left those out for you to handle so you can give her your own program."

I don't think he ever mentioned he has a niece. "Ok. That's good. What is she into? I mean why'd she start training? Body image? To get fitter?" Joe shakes his head. "No, none of that." He looks at me before he continues. He looks like he's debating whether to tell me or not. He kind of has to, how else am I going to train her. He must've realized that cause he looks down and sighs before he looks back up at me.

"She's training for self defense mostly and she's really interested in boxing as well. She's got a good punch in her, don't be blinded my her appearance. She's strong."

Now l'm not one to assume but its never good when a girl starts defense classes and the way he hesitated and the look he has in his eyes right now is telling me that I'm right.


I look up at him broken look on his face. Now I'm sure I'm right.

"Go easy on her ok? She's really shy and closed up at first but once she'll let you in you'll like her I'm sure. Just be patient. She's been trough a lot." I nod.

Now my hearts beating really fast. I haven't even met the girl and I already have this need to protect her especially if she's related to Joe, he's family.

"Where is she anyway." He snaps me out of my thoughts. "She's never late." He looks really worried. "Its probably just the bus being late or something." I say trying to ease his nerves. "No I don't think so. I'll just go give her a call." Joe walks to the locker room.

I go to do some pull downs until she arrives. I don't usually tolerate late comers but since its for Joe I'll let it slide and he did say she's never late so I'm sure its a one time thing. My thoughts go back to my sister, I didn't answer her this morning. When she threw those words at me I froze and she eventually left the room when she realized I wasn't going to say anything. I'll have to talk to her tonight if she's still up.

"Aiden." I hear Joe from behind me. I do another two reps,  when I hear him say I'm his second favorite student. I laugh at that. "Is that your way of telling me I've been demoted Martinez?" I turn around to face them. I freeze.

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