The night

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That morning I woke up later than usual. Luckily for me the event wasn't until the evening so I had time to have a shower and still take my time to get ready I got dresses in a strapless blue two piece silk dress, curled my hair and left in in curlers as I began to do my make up, leaving my hair in for a while I decided to grab a quick snack as I hadn't eaten most of the day. By the day I was done cleaning up the house and getting ready Leah was knocking at my door. I opened to see her in a low black v neck covered by a black suit. Her hair slicked back and she looked beautiful. I found myself just starting at her as she smiled at me and also looked me up and down "you look stunning " my smile grows even wider " not too bad yourself..." making her laugh as I put my bag on my shoulder "you look gorgeous Le" staring into her eyes "come one we're already late" I chuckles as she grabs my hands and leads me down the stairs to the front of the building "your always late I swear" I laugh as she turns round and mockingly acts offended as we both get in the car.

Driving there my nerves where building up as Leah is sat beside me, my leg jumping up and down and playing with my hands or my hair. I kept kicking my outfit a as-well as my make up through the camera of my phone on Snapchat . Running my fingers through my hair making sure there where not knots and that it sat perfectly on my face. As we got closer I rook a couple deeps breaths as I felt something place on my leg. Leah had put her hand on my thigh, not too far up, reasonably close to knee and rubbed her thumb up and down to calm me. And worked.

For the amount of clicking and flashing you'd think people would get some sort of whiplash out of this.
I forgot that I was actually surrounded by professional high league athletes and celebrities. Most brought their wife's and girlfriends.
I might eventually become a wag...

Walking up to entrance was terrifying, I know they where there to catch pictures of the England team and the other high profile players and people attending but surprisingly some people knew my name. But I did remind myself  my cousins are both famous. And I had been posted by Leah and Isobel before. It  is literally their job to know who there people hang out with and their family.

The event was only a dinner yet so many people where there to try get autographs by people and to get pictures. It wasn't even an important event. To be honest I'm not too sure what it even was at all.

Most people where already there. I recognised a lot of faces but obviously I didn't know anyone personally and I'm way too awkward and nervous to go approach anyone so went Leah went to greet people I headed straight to the bar, I order a glass or rosé to get me started. I turned round to have a look round the room when I saw a familiar punch of fake golden curly locks across the room. She would have told me wouldn't she?  I didn't tell her...

The girl turns round placing her arm and the guy next to and whispering as she makes her way to the bar. It's Isobel. She immediately spots me and looks confused but continues to approach me. "What the hell are you doing here?" I frown "I was going to ask the same thing" she places the empty glass she was holding onto the bars table "no I asked first" I say back giving her a questioning look "in my defence my brother actually plays for England but your here cause your with a date I'm sure..." I roll my eyes at her and smile a little as my cheeks flush red. She knows exactly who I came with but I'm not going to admit it."so you came with Leo?" She looked hesitant for a second as she couldn't look me in the eye. "Yeah I came with Leo" God she really is a terrible liar. Suddenly I hear a man's voice behind me. "Isobel what are you doing here ?" Leo's voice. Which makes me turn back and scoff at Isobel smiling who had just lied to me which I mostly found funny rather then offensive. Thank you Leo for that amazing timing.

"Fuck sake Leo" I hear Isobel mutter under her breath as she grabs onto another drink and focuses her attention and gaze onto it as she clearly wants to avoid this conversation. "I came here with a friend." I sarcastically look around the room "I don't see anyone else here who brought friends... just wife's... and girlfriend." I stare back at her "well I don't see anyone who has their little sister and cousin here ether so I'm walking away and pretend I don't know you" Leo grabs another drink and walks away back to his girlfriend Sarah both putting their arms around each other as he joins the people she was talking to. "So who's your wife or girlfriend then, since no 'friends' are allowed that must mean your with someone right" i May have though I was being smart saying that but I really just dug myself a deeper whole "we're not-" "Isobel! Oh my god I feel like I haven't seen you in forever" I see Leah go up to Isobel and hug her and Isobel gives me that 'I knew it' look when Leah stands next to me and unconsciously places her hand on my back. The butterflies from earlier came back all at once as I looked at her and left me with a stupid smile on my face as her and Isobel exchanged a few worlds. Until I suddenly see Jude walk up to Isobel "Is I'm just going to catch up with Leo and that but I'll back to you in a few is that okay?" no physical contact between but you could sense the tension for a mile away. "Yeah that's fine I'll just go to the table in a minute I'll see you there" Jude smiles at her and walks away and now it was my turn to give Isobel the 'I knew it' look and at this rate we both just let it go cause we where both just going to end up annoying each other out of it.

After the dinner me and Leah went up to the roof as we both wanted to get away from all the small chat and heat as some of the alcohol started to catch up with us, I also wanted to take the opportunity to take a picture or two as u got dresses up and wasn't going to let this effort go to waste. I asked Leah to take pictures of me which nether of us took too seriously as we laughed and did silly poses but I did manage to get two or three decent pictures out of it. We could hear some of the music from downstairs and stared joking around and dancing to it, spinning each other around and holding each other hands as we jumped around as soon as a song with a beat to it came up. After I while I feet where hurting from my heels but I ignored it till I tripped. I didn't fall as Leah grabbed hold of me both of us laughing, Leah took the messy strands of hair from my face and placed the behind my ear and cupping her hand on my cheek while staring into my eyes brushing my cheek lightly, and still that light touch sent shivers through my nerves, shivers that made my whole body tremble.
I leaned closer. I wanted to close my eyes, but i didn't trust her not to leave me standing here or that something would interrupt us again.

I kissed her gently, carefully, but after all this time we were both desperate for my arms wrapped around her neck and our lips are attached in a passionate kiss.
Id never known anything as right as This moment. Staying like that till I pulled away to catch my breath as we heard someone walk up and both took a step back and nether of us could wipe the smile off of our faces.

By the end me and Leah were definitely past tipsy to say the least, as Isobel didn't want to be seen walking out with Jude she came back with us to make sure we'd make it back alive and since it was her apartment I was living in I couldn't really say no, plus I was too drunk to care. Isobel has gotten some funny pictures of me and Leah refusing to get into the car, me sticking my head out the window laughing my head off and Leah holding her drink as a microphone while singing along to the songs in the car.

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