New start

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Quickly gathering my thoughts before I opened the door to Leah I noticed her blonde hair was tied into a low bun and her bangs tucked behind her ears she was in some nike Jordan shorts and an acne studios white tee shirt paired with some air forces. I couldn't believe how effortlessly good she looked. Before I could speak I was embraced in a hug by Leah she wrapped her arms around my neck and my arms sat nicely around her waist. "I missed you clauds your new place looks lovely" she had a bright smile painted across her face. "are we on nickname basis already le, im not sure about lovely with all this mess" I chuckled. As I welcomed her into my new apartment I felt a sense of relief that I could feel so comfortable around her just like I did back in Brazil.

"So these are all my clothes in these boxes if we could finish these off tonight that would be a really good help I'm sick of living out of a suitcase for the past few months" as I handed her some scissors to cut open some of the boxes her face dropped " I thought I was into my fashion, Jesus claudia do you need any more clothes" Leah laughed as she collapsed onto the floor. "Stop being so dramatic it's not that bad, If you think this is a lot you'd be in shock at how much stuff Isobel has. now come on stop complaining the food will be here soon." As Leah and I continued to unpack the majority of the time Leah bullying me for items that I had brought into my new house lets just say I was a hoarder I couldn't help it though every item had a memory.

My apartment buzzer went off just 40 minutes later "'Le that will be the food will you let them in please" I called out to Leah while I was just finishing the last of my bedroom. "ahh this looks delicious, right Claud's where are the plates". As we both sat down at my new dining table watching over the busy city of London Leah wasn't drinking as she was off back to st Georges park tomorrow afternoon and I was taking the long journey to Manchester.

"What movie are you thinking" Leah asked as she sat next to me on the sofa throwing a blanket over us. "Hmm what about a classic mamma Mia wait please tell me you have seen mamma Mia" all of a sudden a pillow was thrown in my face " of course I've watched mamma Mia idiot what do you take of me" "okay okay just checking right come on no more funny business please mrs Williamson" Leah chuckled as she pulled my head onto her chest and gently stroked my hair.

During the movie Leah placed small kisses onto my head and held me as tight as ever knowing that the movie was coming to a close and she had to go home soon. Having Leah around made me feel safe I was really starting to catch feelings for her but I didn't know how she felt was it too soon to ask her, what if she doesn't feel the same way all these questions ran around my head until I was brought out of my daze by Leah "clauds you okay?" I decided to just bite the bullet what's the worse that could happen right "its getting quite late Le are you gonna be okay to drive home, you can stay over if you want mamma Mia round 2?" Leahs face lit up as she pulled me back into her side and whispered "couldn't possibly turn mamma Mia 2 down could I" butterflies was the only word I could describe the feeling. We both snuggled backing each other starting the new movie my eyes started to close to the feeling of Leah stroking circles on the side of my arm.

The blaring sound of my alarm was going off at 9:30am as I slowly woke up I felt the presence of Leah spooning me from behind I turned around and stroked the hairs that had fallen out of her bun behind her ears. "Staring is rude you know" the blonde said to me in her morning voice as she opened her eyes " bore off Le" I laughed into the crook of her neck as I got comfortable again. 30 minutes later I woke up to the feeling of Leah stroking my cheek. " I have got to get going soon Clauds im supposed to be at st Georges park already" i quickly raised my head "oh my god Leah im so sorry I didn't realise are you going to get into trouble? What time were you supposed to be there? If you leave now will you still make it?" I started to sit up looking over to my phone to check the time "Hey chill, being the skipper does come in handy" that stupid cheeky grin I thought to myself, we locked eyes which felt like forever as Leah slowly made her way to lean in, The butterflies where now swarming inside my stomach as she reached over to cupping my cheek with her hand as I felt her finger slightly run down the side of my jaw towards the back of my neck I closed my eyes knowing I was about to feel the blondes lips on mine again for the first time in weeks when...

Beep Beep Beep.... I glanced down at the ringing phone in my hands "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me Isobel really right now" I muttered to myself, slightly rolling my eyes I mouthed sorry to Leah as I brought the phone to my ear. I knew I couldn't avoid Isobel and she wouldn't give up if I didn't answer. "Hey claudia just checking on how the moving is going" I could hear some moving around and muttering as she probably was on speaker "yeah its beautiful Leah came round to help unpack with me last night so its pretty much all done" I am now terrified she might say something embarrassing "Leah came over did you say" i laughed into the phone as I tried to avoid having this conversation right infront of Leah who was currently sat next to me on my bed. The conversation didn't last long as I heard a voice of a guy and quickly she told me she had to go and I just assumed she was on set by this time and was only calling to check in  "Isobel says hi by the way" I told Leah as I handed her some clothes that she could change into. "Hopefully we can all catch up again and I can bring Rafa along" I smiled to myslef thinking back to all the memories we had together in Brazil.
"It's cute you still sleep with a teddy" she looks over to me as she was getting ready to leave, "I've had it forever named it after my first dog"  she just smiled at me and my cheeks started to blush slightly out of embarrassment "what" I said to her with a light laugh as she was just looking at me "nothing it's cute" breaking her gaze.

I swung my legs around the bed walking Leah to the door. Awakening me from my train of thoughts Leah gave me a hug and kissed my forehead as we said our goodbyes and she promised to see me on her next break from camp in 7 days.

7 days claudia that's all you have to wait...

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