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As tomorrow was Leah's last night on the way back to the hotel she had asked us if we would've liked to go to a club her and Rafa had discovered which they really enjoyed, to which of course me and Isobel immediately agreed as we both love a good night out.

As we got back Isobel decided to go straight back to the room as she claimed to be tired, me and Leah decided to go for stroll along the beach once again. We walked for a couple hours enjoying each-others company as we did not realise how far along we had gone by the time we had reached some rocks and started to climb them as they lead into some trees where we found a cliff with a rope hanging from and enormous tree standing in-front of us.

I grinned at Leah as I jokingly dared her to jump, which she took seriously and gave me a smug look as she bolted towards the rope, chucking her shoes off as she ran along, "no wait Leah I didn't-" I shouted at her but she had already gripped herself round the rope and she swung her over the edge which is when she let go and let out and exited scream as she splashed into the water bellow her, I ran towards the edge worried.

It had been a couple seconds and she still hasn't risen from yeh water I started to panic as she wasn't rising, so I took my shoes off and took several steps back, removed my shoes and quickly took a deep breath and sprinted towards the rope, kicking the soil behind my feet getting closer to the edge of the opening in the trees as I wrapped my hands around the rope, a million thoughts spinning in my head thinking if Leah was alright, I lifted my body onto the rope as it swans over and I could see the turquoise, tranquil sea bellow my body letting myself fall down, I tended my legs together preparing myself to hit the water as my arms flew around trying to stable my falling body waiting for hit to the the cold ocean till it did, the water quickly hitting my body as I sank in, I kicked my legs and moved my arms about to pull myself up Leah being the only though in my mind as I began to shout for her "Leah!" "Leah where the fuck are you this isn't funny"

I shouted around, spinning myself in the water as I kicked myself to remain above the surface of the water as suddenly I felt something grab round my ankle dragging me down, scaring me as I turned to face behind me seeing Leah face directly in-front of mine. I felt relief as I saw her, I was glad she was ok but angry she had scared me like that. I made myself back to the surface and she followed, I wiped the salty water away from my eyes as Leah caught up with me on the surface, "you fucking scared me to death" I sad splashing her with the water in-front of me.

"Now you know how I felt" she laughed splashing me back, "at least mine wasn't on purpose" I said as I looked around trying to work out how we where going to get back to shore, I saw a strip of white in the distance, in hope that it was the beach I began to swim towards it as Leah followed, after a few minutes of effortlessly Swimming we'd barely gotten any closer and it was starting to get late. As we could see from the dimming sky, the sun had started to set, I looked around trying to figure out a way to climb back up, but where we were the rock where too steep on didn't have enough for us to grip onto, "this was such a stupid idea" I said exhausted, "nah it's just a little adventure"Leah said also tired but laughing "can we get out of here please, then I'll find it funny" I said starting to panic a bit.

Leah Swam towards the rocks as she looked around and after a while shouted out at me "I think I might've found a way up" I made my way towards her as she hinted at me to go up first, helping me on as I gripped on a piece of rock sticking out to my left, as I stabled my foot I leant down to give my hand to Leah as she got herself up as-well.

it took us a while to climb back up but eventually we made it up into the big forest and finally made our way back to the beach. We still had all the way along to walk as we had gone quite far, but as we where on land it wasn't as much of a problem as I liked spending time with Leah and messing about on the beach, even if it was night in a foreign country it was all less intimidating with her.

After a couple hours we finally made it all the way back to the hotel, it was very late and both of us shattered. Both of us walked in the hotel and went up the stairs exhausted which is when I realised I didn't have a key to my room, I never expected to be out this late so didn't think to take one with me. I tried calling Isobel but no answer. "Once that girls asleep there's no way of waking her up I swear" I said stressing as I could not access my room and there was no staff in sight I could've asked, "you could just stay in my room I don't mind sharing a bed" Leah said as we made it to the second floor which we where both staying in. Fortunately Leah's key had been in the picked of the shirts she had been wearing when she jumped over the cliff and thankfully did not fall out. "You sure? I could try banging on the door to see if she could wake up" I said giving her a small humorous smile. "Yeah I'm sure I don't want you waking up the whole place come on" she said as she gave me a smile laught and made her way to her room.

She unlocked her door walking in and holding the door for me as she shut it behind me, "do you need a change of clothes?" She asked me placing her key on the table next to her. We where both still damp as we walked all the way back in the dark from being wet therefore had no sunlight to dry us off, "yeah please if thats okay with you" I said to her awkwardly as I stood in the middle of the room not knowing what to do "of course here you can have these" Leah said picking up a baggy T-shirt and shorts for a pile of clothes next to her suitcase which she threw over for me to catch "you can go in the toilet to get changed I'll stay in here" she said smiling at me as she grabbed some clothes for herself and Took her wet shorts off.

After getting changed I shouted out to check if it was okay for me to come out to which Leah agreed to, as I walked out Leah was already in the bed, I awkwardly made my way over to her crawling into my side. "Thanks for this" I said getting under the covers and making myself slightly more comfortable "hey don't worry about I wasn't going to Leave you out there with no where to go was I" she said as she turned around to face me as she was only inches away from my face and smiled warmly at me, "any other person would have" I said staring into her eyes, it felt like she could see right through me, like she could see exactly what I was thinking at this moment and could see everything about me and my past as she stared into my eyes and i into hers.

"Yeah but your not just any other person to me" she said making the gap between us even smaller I could almost feel her body next to mine, I couldn't help but smile as she said that, the urge to kiss her coming into my body once again as I placed my hand on her cheek just admiring her, she smiled back at me when I did, letting me know that she didn't mind that I had done that, she then wrapped her arm round my waist as mine went to her hair as she pulled me slightly closer and closed her eyes, our noses and bodies touching and we both laid for a while, nether of us saying anything but both of us falling asleep.

Dream come trueUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum