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"You okay?" said the voice that had to pulled me up from the water, still having an arm wrapped around my waist making sure I wasn't hurt before letting go of me, I nodded as I saw it was Leah and Isobel had driven the jet ski over so Leah could jump in to get me "is she alright?" I heard Isobel shout "yeah I'm fine I just fell off" I replied to her slightly out of breath from being under water. "We should probably start getting back you guys alright to get back on" Isobel asked learning back over to grab the handles. "Yeah we'll be fine you can start heading back" Leah said back to her grabbing onto the jet ski to keep it still as Isobel set off back to shore.

"Don't you ever do that again" Leah splashed me with the water beside her as she pulled herself back onto the jet ski "do what?" I said smiling at her as o grabbed on to the back of the jet ski with both hands once I had gotten a good grip, I thrusted myself up, kicking both feet in the water in the process. pushing me upward and back on to the Jet Ski. "Scare me like that" Leah replied as she grabbed hold of the handles annoyed, "aw you care about me" I said mockingly as I grabbed onto her waist as she immediately set off back to the dock.

We we got there Isobel was already waiting for us as she had to return our key but was to the man that previously had given us the keys in the first place, she was more trying to talk as she knew European Spanish and was trying to apply that to speaking Portuguese, which from the sound of it wasn't really going great. Leah got off first, leaning her hand towards me to help get on the side of the dock which I accepted as she pulled me up and towards her making our bodies close once again as she whispered "yeah I do care about you" to me, turning round and handing the key to the man and thanking him as she walked ahead leaving me and Isobel behind.

"She's really started to care about you, you know"
Isobel said leaning into me " you should've seen her when you fell in you could see in her eyes she was scared" she said grinning at me whilst we started catching up with Leah "she's just a nice and caring person that's all" I said as Leah stopped looking back and waiting for us as Isobel said "sure if that's what you want to believe"

The whole way back was a walk in silence, it felt like Leah was slightly annoyed which I didn't understand why, as soon as we got back she said goodbye and headed straight back to her room, Isobel tried to convince me she was probably just tired and I was probably just overthinking it but that didn't stop me from worrying.

I knew that my feels for Leah had been growing but I was simply choosing to ignore them until I know how she felt about me. And if this was even going to work, now she's in my life i don't want her not to be again. Getting to spend time with her have been some of the best moment in my life and I don't want to do anything that could ruin having moments like that in the future.

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