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Family... where to begin let's just say the Morgans was complicated. As a young child I was thrown straight into the constant arguments, nitpicking at everything that I did in my  life. it mentally took a strain on me which is  why I moved away as soon as i could, i continues to go back home for Christmas but dread the awaited arguments after everyone has settled in with a drink. Drinks that was the main cause, everybody gathering in the local pubs and after one to many pints that's when the drama would unfold.

After Leah had left I started to pack a bag of things for the journey home, I was only going for 2 nights and that was enough for me on my own. Ever since Isobel and I were 13 we continued to stick by each other through every argument which usually involved our auntie Jane. My auntie Taylor who is Isobel's mum throughout our childhood continued to fight our battles but sometimes there's only so much you can do. I haven't come out to my whole family yet due to the fact that I know after one to many pints their honest opinion would come out let's say it wouldn't be very pretty. My mum knows, kyla, Leo, my auntie Taylor and my close friends know but nobody else. It makes me scared that I would have to put Leah next in line for one of my auntie Jane's bashings of how pathetic and embarrassing you are, I don't think I would ever forgive myself if I had to put Leah in that situation.

On the drive up I decided to give Leah a quick call she should be on her lunch break around this time. "Hey you" there it was that cheeky north London accent that I already missed "hey I was just ringing to see if you got back okay, I'm on my way to Manchester for a few days tp see my family" as I was speaking i could hear 3 or 4 voices in the background "heyyyy claudia is it? I'm  beth and Leah won't stop blabbering on about you claudia this claudia that" I felt my cheeks flush red " hahah what can I say I'm quite the charmer" I chuckle trying to hide my embarrassment, but finding myself smiling at the fact Leah has been talking about me "sorry about her she's a wind up" I chuckled down the phone "no one could be a bigger wind up than you Le". I carried on talking to Leah for another 20 minutes and then I soon had arrived back in my home town.

When I walked through the door my childhood dog Molly jumped all over me causing me to fall down as she licked my entire face, I greeted my grandma and we sat watching an episode of gogglebox together and chatted about my recent holiday adventures with Isobel. Later on that evening josh and Noah came round to see me as we all had a drink outside in the garden catching up on life. Shocker my auntie Jane and her side kick louise didn't fancy showing their faces. "Blessing in disguise" is what my grandma had told me and I knew she was right. Just before I was about to put my head down after a long day of driving my phone beeped.

Hey you, did you have a good night x

Longgg day of driving but nice to see everyone what about you it was a hot one today x

Sweating buckets reckon you would of loved the view x


Night clauds x

Night Le x

I woke up to the sun shining straight through the window muttering unpleasant words to myself after forgetting to close the curtains, turning over to my side my phone read  8am I had a message from Leah asking to call her when I woke up so I headed downstairs to make a coffee before ringing. "I didn't think id hear from you till at least 11 what you doing awake silly" i smiled to myself thinking that Leah had picked up on my hatred to early mornings. "Don't even start I forgot to shut the curtains so the sun woke me up but anyway what did you need from me mrs Williamson"
"You can totally say no and I would completely understand and I know that your away" I laughed down the phone thinking how worked up she was getting " Le breathe its just me what's up" I smile trying reassuring her she could tell me "okay so I have this England ball tomorrow night and I can bring a plus one its completely up to you but I was wondering if you would join me, you wouldn't even have to do anything except have an outfit and ill come pick you up" an England ball Jesus Christ claudia okay breathe your going to be fine you'll be with Leah "of course ill come Le but slight issue I have nothing to wear"

The following day I went round the town and walked Molly as I can across this gorgeous dress in the window of a shop. I took the dog back home and walked down to the shop again walking in and asking to try it on. And I love it. It hugged all the right places and made me feel comfortable so I decided to treat myself and buy it for tomorrow.

After sorting out an outfit and me saying my goodbyes to everyone back home I was already on the way back to London for the event. I couldn't quite believe that tomorrow night I was about to be around the world best football players and some familiar faces...

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