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The next 4 days had bees quite calm, me Leah Rafa and Isobel had been hanging out quite a lot as a group, I found it nice how strangers can become friends in such a short amount of time and in such a sudden way. Rafa had returned to her hometown to visit family. We'd mostly stayed in the hotel and Isobel said she wanted to play something fun for us to do, again not revealing exactly what it was but knowing her I wouldn't be surprised if she'd booked us in to go skydiving without any training or preparation.

The more I found myself spending time with Leah the more I began developing feelings for her, and not the teenage crush sort of feelings that I had when I was 16, what I was feeling felt, realer. Id gotten to know Leah in person and not by seeing her on the screen of my phone anymore. I mostly just enjoyed her company and being friends with her and I wouldn't want to do anything to ruin that, even if she considers me her friend to begin with, she's only met me a week ago, and I probably wasn't going to see her again after next week as she was leaving.

Me and Isobel hadn't done much. I kept bothering her continuously asking what she'd been planning, which she kept refusing to tell me saying it ruin the surprise only leaving me with the fact that i had to wear a swimsuit.

The following morning went by pretty quickly as we mostly stayed in our room. We'd planned to meet Leah at the front of the hotel as Isobel said we had to leave by 2 o'clock as it only took 10 minutes to walk to whatever we are doing. I was exited to see Leah again, since that day on the beach I haven't be able to hang out just me and her, I kept thinking of that moment when our bodies were so close they were touching and regretting that I didn't kiss her. But I didn't know if she would've felt the same way about me, I was also a couple years younger than her I don't know if she'd even see me that way i was still only 19 and she had just turned 25, even tho I'd be turning 20 in august it felt like there was still a bit of an age gap between us which when we would be older wouldn't even seem like much.

Me and Isobel met Leah at the front as Isobel lead the way arriving at a small dock by the seas as we followed her getting two sets of keys by a man as she followed him and waved for us to follow,  leaving me and Leah wondering what we where doing.
The man lead us to the side of the dock where there was two jet skis parked up floating in the water. Isobel thanked the man and looked at us excitedly smiling as she handed one set of the keys, "we've got them for an hour" she said as she sad down on the side of the dock and climbed onto one of the jet skies looking over at me and Leah. "I can't even drive a car let alone that" I said walking over to Isobel "I'll drive if you can get in the back" Leah said and she took the keys from my hand and smiled as got on the other jet ski behind the one Isobel, they keys came with a wrist band so they wouldn't get lost both of them strapped round their arms and placed the key inside. "Do ether of you even know how to drive them?" I asked jokingly but also slightly concerned for my own safety, "no but can't be that hard" Isobel said as suddenly set off hearing the noise of the motor as she bounced up and down on the small waves becoming smaller as she got further away.

"come on get one you'll be safe don't worry" Leah said as I sat down to get on it, "ok just hold on to me" following what Leah said I wrapped my arms around her waist and quickly set off, the feeling of the seat underneath me, and the motion of going up and down against the waves is making me really nervous. But, this is what happens when I go jet skiing.

I am happy, excited, and nervous all at once. I don't want to get hurt and we aren't even wearing life jackets, but being wrapped around Leah was making me feel safer. We'd finally caught up with Isobel "this is so fucking cool" she screamed over at us looking like she was having the best time of her life as she sped up in front of us. After a while I wanted to have my own go at driving it, we stopped with isobel beside us as she jumped off and pushed it towards me and Leah allowing to get one without having to jump in, they stayed still having a bit of a rest as I set off on my own.

Feeling the hot sun on the back of my neck. The cool breeze from the coast in my hair. The salty spray of the water in my face. And my hair flying around as I got faster. I noticed I had gone quite far away from where I left Leah and Isobel I decided to start to head back. While riding back I'd almost gotten back to where Isobel and Leah were when a massive wave of wind hit me making me loose my balance and flipped over the jet ski making me fall into the water, disoriented from the shock I tried making my way back up but ended up getting stuck under the jet ski as I started to move towards of what I could see what the edge of it as I saw a person dove in beside me and and grab hand pulling me back to the surface.

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