"Once, on a trip for like, a week. And what is that you do?" He asked.

"I design clothes, you?" I said.

"I have my own small café down the street, actually." He said when I frowned a bit in thought.

"Do you mean Aaron's Place?" I asked and saw his proud smile.

"That's the one." He said when I nodded.

"I tried out the coffee and brownie yesterday, it was heavenly." I said when he chuckled.

"Of course you do, they're the best." He said proudly.

"So, what brings you back here?" He asked when I shrugged, ignoring the tug in my chest as I forced a small smile.

"I guess life has a funny way of doing things. You plan something and, well..." I trailed off, sighing.

"Do something entirely different?" He raised a brow and I shrugged.

"You could say that." I nodded, looking into my now empty mug.

"Well, I should get going neighbour, but see you around?" He asked and I nodded, getting up with him.

"Of course, it was lovely meeting you Aaron." I shook his hand, making him smile wide.

"Likewise, Isa." He said cheekily when both my brows raised in question.

"Isa?" I asked when he shrugged, heading to the door.

"Suits you, love." He winked and my smile instantly fell, remembering how he used to call me that.

"Uh... thanks." I said a bit awkwardly, forcing a smile as he waved at me before leaving. 

Sighing, I shook my head and carried both mugs to the sink and washed them and then proceeded to organize and arrange the groceries.

Week number two here was the same as the first one, just a lot less crying and a lot more designing. I had thrown myself into my work to deal with everything.

Lance called yesterday once again and this time, I actually answered. He was pissed, to say the least and so were Arthur and Tristan.

I called Taylor as well because she was worried sick. She had told Lance what I had said to her at the café that day in 'code', and was really furious at Adam.

I was just concerned I'd have to bail my best friend from jail on account of murder the way she was swearing at the guy.

That was two months ago and now, I'm dancing in the shower and singing with Aaron, my next door neighbour.

And no, he's not in with me.

For some reason, we share bathroom walls, which means on he other side of my bathroom wall is his bathroom and these walls are thinner than I'd like to admit.

Hence, the singing.

"You light me up inside, like the fourth of July..." Aaron sings.

"Whenever you're around, I always seem to smile..." I continue for him with a big smile.

"And people ask me how, well, you're the reason why, I'm dancing in the mirror and singing in the shower..." Aaron sings on the other side, making me laugh as we sing the next part together.

"La-da-di, la-da-da, la-da-da, singing in the shower, la-da-di, la-da-da, la-da-da, singing in the shower!" We both sing together and laugh at the end as I wrap a towel around my body.

"See you on the other side!" Aaron yells, making me smile a bit.

"See you!" I yell back, quickly putting on a large t-shirt and shorts when a knock resounds through the place.

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