Adjusting to New Roles and Unexpected Encounters

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"Handong," the girls shouted in unison.

"And what's your name, silent one?" Jiu smirked.

"Sua," she replied, "and you know what, I don't like you guys yet."

"And why should you?" Jiu laughed. "I don't care, but it's not very considerate of you to say that. Alright, Gahyeon and Handong, you will be inside the building. As for you, sorry," a poisonous look passed over Sua's face. "Oh yes, Sua! Well, you'll be working in the bakery. There's also a coffee machine there. And Yooh, you get the bingo one!"

"I can't believe it," where did this sarcasm come from?

"You'll have to work at the ice cream stand too, but only near the entrance, outside. Your department will have a refrigerator with drinks."

"Unbelievable luck," I muttered under my breath.

"Did you say something?"


"Well, alright then. You need to clean up your workstations. They're over there. Get the goods from the staff. It's also over there," and she waved her hand in the direction. "And anyway, I'll check everything. Oh, and find me in half an hour. We'll go get your uniforms. Is everything clear?"


"Oh my God, you're such a hassle. Alright, let's go. I'll show you your places. And Yooh, you can go outside. You're the only one standing there. You won't get confused."

"Here, catch the keys," Handong reached into her pants pocket. "So, where are they? Ah, here," she threw them to me.

How stupid. To throw the keys. To me. Of course, I didn't catch them. And they flew under the stand.

"Horrible," I muttered, bending down and slipping my hands under the table. "Where are you, my dear," I whispered, moving along the stand until I bumped into something. I looked up. Uh-oh, it wasn't something, it was someone.

"Hi, Siyeon," I put on innocent eyes, and why not? It's perfectly normal for a person to crawl on the floor and talk to someone unknown. It happens.

"Hi," she smiled and reached out her hand. I met her yesterday.

"Thank you," I said gratefully, shaking off the dust.

"They just cleaned the floor recently."

"Really? Yes, it's really clean," Siyeon still smiled. "Don't think anything of it. I just lost my keys. If I don't find them, Jiu will definitely be mad."

"So she made quite an impression on you."

"What's wrong?"

"It's just that you look like you've been hit on the head with a dusty bag."

"Oh, everything's fine with me. That's just how I am. Why do I make such an impression on everyone?"

"Oh," I waved my hand in annoyance.

"Let me help. You know, she can be normal sometimes. It's just that she has her moments, like fits. And sometimes she doesn't even nag," Siyeon said, pushing the table aside.

"And it happens," I chuckled.

"Imagine that. And here they are."

"Hooray!" I exclaimed, grabbing the key.

"We accomplished this mission," she extended her hand to me. It was easy with this cheerful person. Maybe I've been avoiding everyone for no reason my whole life.

"Yes, partner, it wasn't easy, but we did it," we shook hands.

"Teamwork can do anything," she said, and we laughed.

"What's with all this?" came a voice nearby. "When will you grow up?" Jiu said reproachfully. "And where are you supposed to be?" Her voice raised and soon turned into a scream. "Are you silent? Forgot? And where - downstairs," the blonde pronounced the last word syllable by syllable. "And believe me, it's better not to find out what will happen if you don't get there right now." Yes, indeed, the best decision was to disappear, but for some reason, I stood there like a statue. "Don't you understand me?"

"I just don't want to be talked to like that," and why for the second time with her I show myself from a different side.

"Oh, you don't want to," she said quietly.

"No one wants this," I added.

"Then go," she said, her voice calm but cold, and I went.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I thought to myself. It was incredibly difficult to carry the fourth box down the stairs. No, I'm not complaining. Everyone else had to overcome a small distance, while I had to drag these boxes down the stairs. Okay, I'm lying, I am complaining. It's already too much for me, even though the trading hours haven't started yet. Standing in the sun and suffering in the heat is terrible. It's a good thing some staff told me how, what, and why. It's much easier to deal with now. While I was cleaning the fridge and sweating, Jiu approached me. She's checking up on me again. She yelled at me again, apparently, I used the wrong product. If there's one thing I've learned about surviving in this team, it's that I need to avoid her and stay a hundred meters away. Why don't I have the skills to disappear? Yesterday she seemed very pleasant to me. Another confirmation that I don't understand people at all. Although I definitely liked her ability to carry herself. Her posture and that elegant pantsuit. Today she had her hair in a bun. I started to remember her image and realized one thing. It's strange, but everything has been stored in my head down to the smallest detail, despite my inattentiveness.

"How was your first day at work?" Siyeon asked, approaching from behind and placing her hand on my shoulder.

"You scared me," I shuddered.

"Sorry, scaring my partner wasn't part of the plan."

"Soon I'll become crazy with you."

"Is it really that bad?"

"Not entirely, it's like changeable weather."

"Okay then."

"But the heat here is unbearable, can you suggest how to deal with it?"

"Honestly? There's no way, you really got a tough spot."

"Don't exaggerate, I've already noticed a lot of people standing on the street selling lemonade. They're working, and I'll be able to do it too." We stood by the car, waiting for everyone to gather so we could go home. It was already very dark, but people were still everywhere. It's a good thing the guys brought my refrigerators into the building, otherwise I would have been completely exhausted.

"Don't you want to join our group from yesterday? Let's sit by the sea."

"Yes, let's go, Yoohyeon. I'll come too," Sua said, hugging me. Our relationship with Sua has changed from coldly welcoming to affectionately friendly. It was more on her side.

"Honestly, my legs are just aching. I don't think I can handle a walk."

"Okay, rest. But promise me you'll join us soon," Siyeon said.

"In the near future," I smiled. I noticed Jiu not far away; she was looking at me again. The same look as yesterday. Why do I get goosebumps on my skin? I nervously swallowed and turned to my companions.

Hello, here is the second chapter! 

What do you think about it?

I will try to post twice a week, probably on Mondays and Fridays.

The summer when I met youKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat