"Your boss allowed you to stay at his place?" Dylan responded incredulously.

"Yeah, why?"

"You're still a stranger at that time. I am surprised your boss can trust you easily with his flat."

"Well ... about that ... ," Hephaestus paused. "I actually have told him about who I really am."

"Your boss knows you're a god??"

"Yes!" Hephaestus exclaimed. "To convince him that I wasn't bluffing or even lost my mind, I have demonstrated my super strength, super endurance and manipulation magic."

"Why would you tell him that?" Dylan asked. "I mean ... is it dangerous to let other people know about you?"

"I have no other choice, Dylan. I really have been driven mad with every new thing I was witnessing. Fate then showed me a way by making me save Mr. Smith from a group of thugs."

"Wait ... ," Dylan held up his hands. "A group of thugs?"

"Yes," Hephaestus nodded. "He was jogging at that time when a group of thugs stopped him and asked him for money. He did not have much, thus displeasing all of them. I stepped in and saved him, thus it granted me the opportunity to talk to him."

"That explains."

"I told him I needed to learn everything about this world. As expected, he was confused. That's why I decided to tell him the truth."

"I now understand the reason," Dylan said. "Then how did you end up working for him?"

"After I demonstrated my power, it was clear he still needed some time to accept it. Being prudent, he brought me to a coffee shop to have breakfast. After we talked for quite a while, he got a phone call from his ex technician, whom he had tried to persuade to keep working for him. That ex technician had been firm with his decision, thus disappointing Mr. Smith terribly. I saw this as a quick and easy opening to learn about this new world, so I offered him my service. Once I learned the basics of computers and showed my crafting skill, he immediately hired me."

"Your crafting skill will surely come in handy for him."

"Definitely," Hephaestus said proudly. "Once we had a project to build 100 new computers for a school. I managed to build them properly in only 10 hours, while the promised time was ten working days."

"Wow!" Dylan's eyes flew wide with amazement. "With this skill, you surely are able to earn more!"

"I did earn more, Dylan," Hephaestus admitted. "I have a side job of crafting unique clocks or furniture. I sold them on Etsy and managed to make quick bucks there."

"Ah Etsy is the best platform to sell unique crafted objects," Dylan said. "Did your boss know about it?"

"Of course I told him about this side job. "Having him think I steal his products or do other things violating the law is the last thing I want to do."

"That makes sense."

"Enough about me. Now it's your turn to tell me about you."

"Mmm ... Well ... I am just a mortal man who's working at a Japanese-style mini market named Konishi Convenience Store."

"How long have you been working there?"

"4 years. I started working there when I moved to this city."

"4 years," Hephaestus repeated as he nodded a few times. "You're indeed a loyalist. In my time, people like you can become a lieutenant, or even an advisor to the king."

Dylan scoffed. "Well ... my boss has been so generous to me ever since I moved. So even though he once suggested that I should try another job, I decided to stay with him."

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now