"It's time to go," I informed him, trying to sound as awake and alert as possible.

He groaned in response, struggling to comprehend the time.

"It's actually late for you—ten o'clock," I informed him, his eyes widening in realization of our impending departure.

Cloudy quickly sprang into action, scrambling to clean up his room and gather his belongings. He apologized profusely for keeping me waiting.

"Don't sweat it. Nick is already up and about, so he knows what's going on," I reassured him, hoping to alleviate his guilt.

"Is he coming too?" Cloudy asked, seeking confirmation.

I nodded affirmatively, silently hoping that Nick wouldn't cause too much trouble once we reached our destination.

Minutes later, the three of us assembled, ready to embark on our journey. We double-checked that we weren't being followed or watched, ensuring a smooth departure.

We grouped up ready to go with no trouble from afar nor behind us meaning the two idiots slowing me down.

"We'll be back!" I called out, a mix of determination and uncertainty in my voice, as we set off into the unknown without the hero in our eyes guidance.

Our adventure had begun, and this time, we were on our own without the guidance of our mentor. We traversed through vast grassy fields, making our way towards a nearby village in search of information about the academy. As expected, we didn't find much assistance there, so we continued our journey towards a bustling town known for its merchants. Along the way, we engaged in conversations and enjoyed moments of respite. Royal walked ahead, seeking solitude to appreciate the scenic surroundings, while Nick and Cloudy remained inseparable, engaged in their own discussion.

"Hey," Nick whispered to Cloudy, his voice filled with his characteristic assertiveness.

Cloudy, prepared for a potential argument, responded, "What do you want now?"

"Do you think Hunter is dead? Or could he have been killed?" Nick asked, his tone surprisingly contemplative.

Cloudy was taken aback by the sudden question. "That's an unexpected inquiry coming from you. Why are you wondering about that?"

"Just answer the damn question, will you?"

"I... I don't know. But I'll hold onto hope and wait for him, no matter how long it takes," Cloudy replied earnestly.

"You know, ever since that incident a year ago, Royal has been different," Nick continued, his voice tinged with concern.

"It's quite evident," Cloudy replied immediately, understanding Nick's implication.

"Do you think Royal witnessed or did something that day, causing him to act this way?" Nick pressed further.

"I'm not implying he did something to Hunter. Don't get your mouth confused with your ass, stop spewing shitty assumptions."

Nick remained persistent, listing peculiarities he had observed. "Royal is hiding something. It feels like he carries a heavy burden of guilt."

"As in..?"

Cloudy wondered not getting the full picture.

"Royal's hiding secrets, it's as if he's guilty of something big. That's all I know."

"On that day he looked at me in the eyes filled to the brim with dejection. He claims that Hunter had just disappeared but is that really it? He may be telling the truth but how much of that is true? Do you really believe all that crap he's feeding us?"

The Heartstone Journey IIWhere stories live. Discover now