Book 5 | Ch. 8 - Axe Trial

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We followed closely keeping our eyes peeled for the upcoming area. While on the way I couldn't help but notice Veronica's appearance. I'm unsure whether it was because it was one of the few times I interacted with a woman this much or it was comparing with Lucy's stunning beauty. Her hair was light brown, eyes the color hazel complimented with a slight orange. Her height from what it seems was around five foot five although.. I can clearly see she's wearing some high heels that send her toes curving the wrong way. I didn't dare to comment on a woman's height as I was warned extensively by Hunter to never ask a woman's age or height.

I'm betting she rivals Nick in shortness.

"*Ahem~.* You're putting holes through the back of my head Mr. Royal."

She awkwardly commented trying to avert my gaze.

"A-ah I-I'm sorry~."

I apologized while stuttering profusely for looking too much.

"It's fine, I'm rather situated with stares by now, oh here we are as well."

We peeked to the side to get a better view up ahead, there was nobody there. Empty chairs, a simple waiting room with two doors leading to an area we've yet to spot.

"Since no one is here allow me to explain and take you to the upcoming room. Shall we?"

She kept her composure throwing out the awkwardness just moments before.

We stayed silent only nodding.

"The door to your left is where you both will enter, I'll be on the other side evaluating your performance. Understand?"


We both synced up our answer.

We heard the right door close gently leaving just us to enter, inside the room was white and grey, it was an empty room like the one before just without the chairs. The sole thing in the room that was easily noticeable was the pedestal with the same orb used to get our ID's. We could hear her flip a few pages of documents before pausing with a strong silence with it.

"Huh? That's strange.. You guys already passed this test? Have you taken this exam before?"

Veronica revealed behind the wall with her voice clear as day despite the wall blocking them.

"No we've never even been here before."

Cloudy replied confused.

That's when it dawned on me.. It was Hunter. He did as promised and pulled some strings to get us admitted to the academy. He's still alive! Somewhere on this continent.. he's roaming the land.

"Oh-! I see... so he's-."

Veronica muttered to herself not realizing what she was using was still amplifying her voice.

"What do you mean?"

I asked wanting to know what was going on.

"A-ah~.. Well.. It seems my- *Ahem*. The guild master has given you two the official approval to join the boarding school without issues."

"Let's go Royal~! We did it~!"

Cloudy hopped hugging me with excitement.

Although I was happy.. Hunter was still out there and it stayed fresh in my mind once it dawned on me. I was not completely satisfied since I knew the truth, the reason.. We were cheated into this academy by connections, rather forceful I'm betting but all the same in the end. It was unfulfilling that I couldn't display my experience and prove my worth to this place.

"It's not over yet boys."

Veronica interrupted their moment hinting at another test.

"The guild master merely approved you're enrollment. Meaning you've passed the base threshold of what the school requires. Now it's time to go further and acquire a rank befitting your status."

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