Book 6 | Ch. 17 - Lunar's History

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Lecture Hall

It was day five of learning with Sir Mickey- at least for me, Cloudy and the rest have gotten far more along than I have.

He had everyone sit in their seats ready to start class before calling me over, I rolled on my wheel chair as he pushed me along outside.

"Ah- for now practice on what you've all learned. It's study time until I return." Mickey extended his head out of the door before closing it.

"Where do you think he took Royal?" Cloudy looked toward his backside.

"Not sure but we should start practicing." Caroline answered with a straightforward response.

Col watched closely around the class while Bea stood up wanting to get ready.

Outside Mickey brought me along the plaza where the trees were blooming and a water fountain was nearby.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked seeing he brought me here alone.

"O-oh no. Moreover it's like we've done wrong to you." Mickey expressed rubbing my hair for an instant.

"What do you mean?"

"Umm~.. How should I explain this~..?"

He paced back and forth rattling his brain for a good answer to give.

"As of now the contract between you and Eric has been nullified. Due to reasons out of our control he's terminated the contract. He explicitly stated that the money you'll be earning each month will not change fortunately."


If I'm no longer going to work on the portal factor with him..

Then why is he still paying me?

Is it because I'm already considered a guild member and wants my favor to stay?

Or is it because of Hunter?

.. I'm unsure.

"Just understand he's taking a great liking to you-- for whatever reason that is. Don't misunderstand and think he's done with you, ok? I'll ensure of that!" Mickey got close, his eyes were sincere.

Why would he think Eric would just do away with me?

He's kind and considerate of me, the evidence is in what he just said about me getting money even if it's for an advantage.

"Is that all Sir?" I took a sigh of relief thinking we'd have no money to rely on.

"Yes, that's everything I really wished to talk to you about." Mickey nodded strongly having some thoughts.


Is he really not going to question further?

.. He's far too trusting.

He could be at least a little more skeptical about all this.

I need to focus on teaching him to be more aware of others.

Mickey strolled me back into the lecture hall, he flew me back to my seat, wheelchair and all before standing on the podium in the middle revealing today's subject.

"Today's subject will be Lunar's history."


Lunar's history?

Does he mean the continent?

A hand raised high.

It was Gatlin..

"Everyone understands what happened over two decades ago. There's no need to replay that event to us we've all heard since we were children listening to folk tale."

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