Chapter 193: She Can Handle Herself

Start from the beginning

"I apologize, President Yang." The title sounded foreign to his ears, but seeing her now, it was quite suitable for her. "Many of the ones in the states as well as this country have failed because they did not have the resources, funding, and connections to elaborate the idea to a scale as large as ours. "

He revealed a smile. "With a name as large as Park Enterprise backing up the project with Bang Real Estate as our collaborating partner, the project is ensured success. In terms of reputation, Park Enterprise has always maintained a clean image and is heavily favored by the people."

Rosè Yang carefully thought over his words, her brows scrunching. Bang Real Estate was raising red flags for her.

It was her maternal family's company. She may not speak to her parents or a lot of people from the maternal side of the family, but she was quite sure, there were shady practices happening.

If her maternal relatives were nothing but scheming people who would turn against their own family, flesh and blood, turning against their own collaborators would not be a surprise.

"I recommend investigating further into Bang Real Estate before you decide to use them as a backer. There was a scandal that broke out two days ago, hence their current drop in stocks. It was covered up but there are a lot of loose strings." She hinted, not revealing much, but that was all Kim Namjoon needed to hear.

He was surprised she was knowledgeable, but remembered her mother's surname was Bang. At least she was resourceful enough to know this much, but he wondered, what else did she know?

"Then President Yang, is there any company you would recommend?" Kim Namjoon was testing her to see if she was gutsy enough to blatantly advertise her grandfather's company that was known for their hotel empire.

"That is up for you to decide, Mr. Kim." She chuckled, flipping the page of the long report.

Kim Namjoon swallowed. He was attempting to trick her, but his plan backfired. It was not the investment firm's place to recommend a company.

She flipped to the revenue and projected cost of the proposal. It was a hefty amount to pay, but the revenue would turn out greater. They were surprisingly offering 10% shares of the company which was quite a normal number, but with the cost of it, she believed it should be higher.

"This is quite an interesting idea, I do have to admit." She raised her head, a warm smile on her face.

Kim Namjoon felt his hopes go high. It seemed she was going to accept the proposal after all.

"However, if you would like RY to shell out nearly a billion just to create the enormous community, we would need reassurance." She prepared to throw out a curveball that they would definitely reject, but she would counter with a "lowered" compromised that would secretly benefit RY more.

"The company will accept the proposal given we receive 30% of shares instead of 10%."

Kim Namjoon was baffled by this and immediately responded, "That's quite outrageous given you're only the investment firm."

"Hm, it would seem so. Then 15% of the shares would suffice, but in return, we would like a 5% management fee, as well as 25% of the annual profits."

Kim Namjoon swallowed hard, turning to his boss, who had been studying Rose Yang for the longest time. He felt like crying, for even while she made phenomenal demands, his boss was still staring at her as if she was some sort of goddess gracing the Earth!

Kim Namjoon expected his boss to easily give in to her. Dejected at the idea, he could feel his shoulders slightly slump down.

Park Jimin studied her for the longest time and said, "10% of the shares, the rest is reasonable."

Rosè Yang wondered if Park Jimin was simply dumb to realize her tactic, but then again, she learned the technique of haggling from the streets that normal people frequented, not the rich. It was foolish of her to use a haggling method, but who would've thought he would actually go for it?

"14%." She mused.


"14.5% then." She shrugged, not bothered at all that Park Enterprise could blacklist them if they wanted to. She had no problem going against the company and it would not even fazed her if she did not support this community.

The money they wanted was quite high and only a handful of investment firms would even fancy the idea. She knew most businesses would rather work with people they were more familiar with since, at the least, they would be able to gouge if their acquaintances were shady or not.

Park Jimin narrowed his eyes onto his woman, who was sitting there examining her nails without a care in the world. She was quite haughty. Too bold for her own good, too assured of her success to even entertain failure. He liked that about her, a bit too much.


"15%." She replied.

Kim Namjoon began to nervously sweat as the rest of Park Jimin's personal team begin to shake in their chairs when a deadly aura could be felt from their boss. Their teeth chattered and their bodies quivered when the wind of the north blew into the room, sweeping over the normal temperature.

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