Chapter 127: A Hypocrite

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Rosè Yang felt her heart melt at his voice, which was so tiny and meek, like a terrified child. She felt her heart prickle at his behavior. Her brain chastised her for going so far, and her heart screamed to comfort him and ease his fears.

"Will you do it again?" She quietly asked, rubbing circles on his large and rough hands. Immediately, his fingers grabbed hers, completely entwining the fingers together, so that they were holding hands. Her heart skipped a beat at his action, a tiny smile on her face.

"I can't promise you a definite no, but I will try my hardest to be lenient." He snuggled his head on her shoulder, breathing in her lovely smell. It clouded his brain, the soft Jasmine scent teasing him.

She was quiet for a moment which prompted him to give her a squeeze.

"Are you still mad at me?" She asked him to which he shook his head.


She smiled, happy that she was finally able to tame his anger, even if it was through unethical measures. She turned her head so that her cheek was resting on the crown of his soft hair. "Good, because I'm not mad at you anymore either." She teased.

He breathed a sigh of relief which surprised him soon afterward. Since when was he so in love with her that soothing her anger would cause such a pure sensation of relief to flood through him?

"Then hug me again." He demanded, wanting to feel her arms around him again. It brought him reassurance and confirmation that she truly wasn't going to leave him.

Rosè Yang was surprised by his sudden request. In her confused state, she turned around and lightly hugged him. She yelped when he hugged her tighter, crushing her face to his chest. "Uhm Park Jimin--"

"Don't walk away from me like that. I hate it." He ground his teeth, remembering the past when he came back to the country to catch up on things with her. He spotted her at a banquet and tried to approach her, but she freaked out and ran away, her reaction leaving him completely heartbroken.

"Park Jimin," She began, lifting her head to look at him. Her throat dried when she saw his perfect features. His face puts the gods to shame. "I won't walk away, as long as you don't try to tie me down." When she saw his softened gaze hardened, she reached up to gently caress his face.

"I don't like it when you're overly domineering. I don't like it when you're so bent on confining me like this." She watched his stare intensify further. He wasn't pleased to hear her words, but she didn't care. She needed to draw the boundaries if they were going to enter a relationship.

"I have so many scars from my past, I'm trying to move on, but it's so hard. I've been controlled by my parents in the past, I-I don't want a relationship like that." Her voice became shaky when she thought back to the dark days where her parents dictated her every move. Each note she misplayed on the piano was a slap to the back of her knees. There were days where she wanted to experience her childhood, but her parents forced her back onto the piano chair.

The fear of being controlled like a puppet scared her. All she ever wanted was freedom. She understood her push-and-pull behavior in this relationship wasn't healthy, but neither was his domineering behavior.

Park Jimin pressed his lips together, her words echoing in his mind. She thought his caring behavior was confinement?! The idea angered him. "I can't make any promises. It's in my nature."

"Well, neither can I promise to not run. The more you tie me down, the more I want to leave." How could she promise him when he couldn't do the same?

He scowled at her words, ready to open his mouth and give her a piece of his mind but decided against it. If he said the wrong words, she might push him away and stop hugging him. He quite liked having her body against his. Her skin was always cold for some odd reason, and to him who gets hot easily, hugging her was extremely comforting for his overly warm skin.

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