Chapter 169: Its Rude

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After his speech, Kim Taehyung began to mingle with the crowd, a friendly, but coy as a fox expression on his face. He looked so laid back and companionable, many people found it easy to chat with him. His temper was very good, and he seemed to be the type of person that would always try to prevent a fight.

Rosè Yang was surprised to see him behave like this. It seemed this young man has really changed throughout the years. This transformation was not a rare occurrence. She, too, had changed drastically within two years, but that was with the massive help of therapy and strict regimen in the military. What exactly happened to him for his easily-angered behavior to disappear into the air? Perhaps adulthood had truly changed him, but she highly doubted that.

Her eyes shifted to Park Jimin who was listening intently to another man. His arm was still loosely wrapped around her waist and every few minutes, he would gently caress her sides while speaking. She found their conversation boring and gave his hand a light pat before walking to the food table.

Along the way, someone very familiar caught her eyes.

"Oh my, Tina, you're dress is very lovely! Is this part of Versace's new Spring collection?"

"This light pink, as soft as a freshly bloomed cherry blossom flower, suits your pale complexion perfectly!"

"Tina, I heard you were hospitalized a while back. Are you alright now?"

Chou Tzuyu smiled at the small child in front of her, who despite her very young age, had a major say in Kim Conglomerate.

If there was anyone in this world who Kim Taehyung valued, it would be his younger sister, Kim Tina. She was a prodigy whose academic skills got her very far in life. Even though she was just eight years old, Kim Tina was already attending middle school with kids four years her senior, but exceedingly more intelligent than them.

Chou Tzuyu's calculative eyes skimmed over the boring socialites in front of her who was trying their best to appease Kim Tina. She understood why they were doing this.

Kim Taehyung recently rose to his title as CEO, but there was not a single dating rumor about him. His wealth was practically endless and even if Kim Conglomerate suffered a fall a while back, they were still filthy rich and seeing as Kim made the company wealthier than before their fall, it was clear to many people just how outstanding this man was.

Many of the socialites wanted to date Kim Taehyung, or even better yet, become the next Madam Kim. And who else would be better at appeasing the man aside from his highly treasured Kim Tina, famously known for curbing her brother's tempers?

Rumors had it Kim Taehyung might've had good relations with his parents, but only love and care for Kim Tina. Ever since she was born, he was always the one handling her celebration dinners and parties. His gift always outranked everybody else's. Whatever Kim Tina wanted, her older brother would get for her.

Chou Tzuyu laughed inside her head. These women, they were all useless and stupid. Their empty compliments was not making Kim Tina happy, instead, it was the other way around. This girl practically grew up in wealth, hearing compliments about her appearance was a daily occurrence for her.

Chou Tzuyu decided to outshine all of these socialites in her way of making Kim Tina happy. She looked down at Kim Tina and said, "Tina, I heard you did very well on the delivery of your speech in English."

At this, Kim Tina's nonchalant expression changed. The boredom once occupying her eyes was beginning to disperse. "Oh, what about it?"

Chou Tzuyu gently smiled, one that was filled with love, the same one that many kids loved to see. "The teachers gave you high praises, that much was clear. But I loved how you used English metaphors instead of solely sticking to our idioms. They came harmoniously together."

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