Chapter 183: A Little Birdy

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After the dinner, Park Jimin planned on bringing her into his home, but Yang Marco's frequent phone calls made it nearly impossible to do anything with her. He made up his mind to move her into Cerulean Water Pavillion as soon as possible.

When the two got near the house, Rosè Yang was fast asleep already. She was comfortably nestled in his arms, sitting on his lap, and driving him insane without realizing it.

With her face resting on his shoulders, her rosy lips that were slightly parted, her warm breath tickling his neck. It was pure torture for him. He wanted to do nothing but kiss her silly but she was fast asleep.

Jung Hoseok noticed his boss' obvious irritation and tried his best to not burst out laughing every time he looked in the rearview mirror. His boss was staring out of the window and towards the blinding night lights of Seoul, but it was very easy to see his lips were thinned and his eyebrows were scrunched together. He was trying to control himself which was a very difficult task for any man.

He sighed for his pitiful boss, shaking his head and continuing the drive there. As they drove, the Lady Boss' phone went off for the fifth time tonight. It seemed her grandfather was simply too overprotective of her...

Park Jimin fished the phone out of her purse and when he saw it was Yang Marco, he let out a tired sigh and picked up the phone.

"Rosie, where are you now? It's ten at night, why are you still not home?" He pestered, the last time he called was thirty minutes ago. He was usually not like this when she lived by herself, but now that she was in his care, he behaved like a helicopter parent instead of a grandfather.

"We're ten minutes away from your house. She has fallen asleep." Park Jimin spoke for her, adjusting her body a bit so that she was more comfortable.

Rosè Yang mumbled something incoherent in her sleep before burying her face into his neck, her soft lips brushing his neck, causing his entire body to stiffen. His fingers curled into fists, his nails digging into his skin, as he tried his best to restrain himself.

"You seem very annoyed Park Jaymin, is it because of me?" Yang Marco provoked, a slight teasing tone in his voice. He was purposely calling them again and again just to irk Park Jimin and hearing the anger in the man's voice, he knew he was succeeding.

Park Jimin scowled, resisting the urge to smash the phone against the window. "No."

"Are you sure? You know, Park Jaymin, my granddaughter doesn't like men who disrespect their elders." Yang Marco leaned his head on a propped up arm, a cunning smile on his face while he imagined the hilarious scene of Park Jimin's agitated face.

Park Jimin's frown deepened, his fingers tightening around the phone, grinding out, "Yes, I'm sure."

This old man has a death wish. If it was anyone else but his woman's grandfather, regardless if he was a wrinkling elder, he would still inflict harm. But he was Rosè Yang's precious family and he would never do anything that would hurt her.

Yang Marco snickered before his face became more serious. "Well, Park Jaymi, I hope you get used to these calls when taking my granddaughter out for the night."

Park Jimin grunted in reply. He was determined to move her into Cerulean Water Pavilion by tomorrow. This would finally get the old man off of his back.

"A little birdy told me you brought Rosè to visit your parents. Care to explain?"

"I don't talk to birds." He muttered, not wanting to say anything.

He knew she was disappointed that his parents did not seem that fond of her, especially when Kang Seulgi was brought up. She was very patient with him, too scared of voicing her opinion that she did not like Kang Seulgi. Keeping all of her emotions bottled up, he knew it would not be good for her. Using a long and curled finger, he gently caressed her cheek, leaning down to kiss it.

"What was your parent's impression of her?"


"Really now?" Yang Marco did not believe his words. He did not know Park Minjun personally, but he had dug enough into the man to know he would not be pleased to see that Rosè Yang had a bad reputation.

"I assume that little secretary of yours was brought up during the conversation." Yang Marco's relaxed expression became dark, shadows covering his face, his eyes becoming deadly still.

"The rumor in the office has been dealt with."

"That secretary has wormed her way into the hearts of too many people that are close to you." Yang Marco had dug more into Kang Seulgi and was disturbed by what he found out about her.

She was Park Jimin's secretary for quite some time now and had been a part of his life ever since he took over the CEO position from his father. She was a very useless and clumsy girl when she started off, but eventually with the help of her peers and Park Jimin's surprising patience with her, she was able to flourish into the woman she is today.

That was not the thing that astonished Yang Marco. It was her background. She was from a well-off middle-class family whose history dated back for many generations.

"It's part of her nature."


Yang Marco slammed his hand onto his desk, an infuriated expression on his face. "Park Jaymin, don't you dare make excuses for her in front of my face!" He snarled, his voice resembling a provoked lion.

"I will not have my granddaughter embarrassed again just because her man could not remain loyal!" He snarled, his voice growing more lethal as he declared, "If you plan on fooling around with Kang Seulgi, I do not care if you're a Park, I will ruin you."

Park Jimin did not flinch at Yang Marco's threat.

The arms loosely around Rose Yang's body tightened, hauling her body closer to his, leaving no room in between them. He would never allow her to go, even if Yang Marco were to take her by force. If it happened, kidnapping her would be an easy feat for him.

"If I wanted to do something with Kang Seulgi , I would've long done it in the past. I'm not blind, I could see her advances."

Yang Marco 's face became red with anger now. "Bastard! You're allowing a woman who's in love with you to stay by your side?!"

"Kang Seulgi is a very professional employee. She would never mix her feelings with her work, this I have made sure of—"

"Do you think I've become too old and senile enough for you to think I would pardon those words?" Yang Marco stood up when he saw the car driving up the pavement leading to the front entrance. He walked downstairs just as the car pulled up to the door.

Park Jimin pressed his lips together when the car door was practically flung open. Jung Hoseok stepped out, armed with a gun, on high-alert from the intrusion.

Yang Marco did not come unprepared. Accompanying him was Old Butler Tang who despite his old age, was once the country's leading Commander, skilled in weapons and combat. Even as he stood now, tall and refined, there were two guns hidden inside of his tailcoat.

"Release my granddaughter."

Park Jimin held her closer, his eyes, darker than night, became piercingly fierce. A heavy air of death lingered around him, sending the temperature around him plummeting. There was an eerily still expression on his face, the epitome of calm before the calamity.

"Do not keep her from me." His voice, low and mellow, hid a threat. If Yang Marco were to prevent her from seeing him, without a doubt, Park Jimin would forcibly take her, lock her away, and never allow anyone to dare have the thought of separating the two.

"I can do whatever I please if it concerns my granddaughter's well-being!" Yang Marco hissed, waving his fingers as swarms of men came out of the shadows, surrounding the car.

Park Jimin was not at all disturbed or frightened by the crowd of armed people, for his men were not far behind. Jung Hoseok could easily take down ten men in a span of a minute. If he was to set off a signal, the Yang Mansion would instantly be a warzone — the sole victor would be Park Jimin alone.

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