Chapter 157: Unnecessary Eyes Following

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The affable smile on Cha Eunwoo wavered the slightest bit, the enthusiasm in his eyes dying out. It was replaced with subtle irritation.

His eyes flickered to the arm wrapped around Rose Yanv's waist. With speed swift as light, he grabbed Rose Yang and tugged her in his direction, but Park Jimin's grip on her was tighter than it appeared to be. She didn't move an inch.

Rosè Yang looked back and forth, her brows knitted in confusion. She could practically feel the crackle of electricity in the air as the two alphas had a stare down. Despite standing on a public sidewalk, the air around them was suffocating her. It turned stuffy and the more they glared at each other, the more annoyed she got.

"Let go of her." Cha Eunwoo seethed, his heart filled with animosity for the man that was holding her as if she belonged to him.

In the blink of an eye, Park Jimin grabbed the hand that dared to attempt to snatch his woman away. He pressed enough pressure that would break the man's wrist, but didn't actually do so. He knew Rose Yang would not let him off for harming her friend.

Cha Eunwoo's face remained as blank as ever, but his eyes flashed with pain. Damn this man! His strength was incredible and with no other choice, he reluctantly let go of her wrist.

Cha Eunwoo silently cursed inside his head, trying his best not to wince or cry out in pain. He would need to get his wrist checked at the hospital tomorrow.

Instead of directing his attention onto the man, Cha Eunwoo shifted his eyes to Rosè Yang. "Rosie, is he hurting you?" He took a step forward, worried for her. He knew how tightly this man was holding her. He feared the brute was digging his fingers into her precious skin.

Rosè a Yang Yang softly shook her head, her hand clasping over Park Jimin's hand that was placing immense pressure upon Cha Eunwoo's wrist. "Let go." She whispered to him and he immediately did so. He took that hand and entwined their fingers, holding it close to him.

She didn't know why they were so hostile to each other, but figured it was best to pacify her man first. "No, it doesn't hurt." She squeezed Park Jimin's hand. "Don't worry Eunwoo, Park Jimin wouldn't harm me."

Seeing her so close with the man, enough to allow him to touch her and even for her to do the same, Cha Eunwoo knew he had finally met his match. But who would've known, his rival was none other than the infamous magnate that ruled over businesses with an iron fist.

"Still, it was quite rude of him to grab you. I know you're—" He cleared his throat, his face changing into one filled with sympathy. He nearly allowed himself to slip.

Cha Eunwoo gave him a warning glare and he returned it with a reassuring wink.

"You're prone to getting bruises." He finished, a tiny smile on his face upon seeing her attention was directed back to him, like how it should've been from the start.

When she felt her waist being squeezed, she looked up to see Park Jimin was still intently glowering at Cha Eunwoo. "Oh right, I should introduce you guys." She nodded her head, her low EQ completely misunderstanding what he was implying.

"Cha Eunwoo, this is Park Jimin, and Park Jimin, this is Cha Eunwoo." She expected them to shake hands or at least acknowledge each other, but neither of them made a move. Her smile twitched when the tension grew worse.

She prayed for something distracting to come up, and the gods above must've heard her, because in the next moment, her phone rang. She hurriedly fetched it out of her purse. Upon seeing it was her grandfather, she heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing her escape route.

"Rosie, it's getting dark out. Are you coming home for dinner? The chef has prepared your favorite dishes tonight." Yang Marco had gotten off work earlier than usual just to accompany her for dinner.

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