Chapter 171: Suffer A Hundredfold

Start from the beginning

Chou Tzuyu narrowed her eyes. A coal? You dare to compare my husband to a piece of burnt firewood?! She fumed on the inside, but did not dare to insult her in public, especially when Park Jimin was standing right beside her. This man only had to tilt his head and her entire family would disappear in the blink of an eye!

"It's not polite to insult people..." She had intentions of scolding Rose Yang, but with her calm delivery, one would think she was simply voicing her opinion.

"The truth hurts, get over it." Rose Yang's arrogant reply did not surprise the people. They were used to this behavior of hers, but they were taken back by Chou Tzuyu's sudden desire to argue with Rosè Yang.

Wasn't Chou Tzuyu too passive and the type to end arguments, not join or start them? Everyone's perspective and opinion of her was beginning to change.

Kim Taehyung took a sip of his wine, amused and impressed at how she carried herself. He knew the goody-two-shoes always had a flare in her, but he had never witnessed it in its full glory.

When she was in high school, she was always too bold for her own good and he figured it was because she was simply following the teacher's orders. But who would've known, she was actually a spitball filled with comebacks?

When he saw another crowd was slowly beginning to form, he decided to break up the conversation. He motioned to his men who started the fireworks. When the first burst rose into the sky, the people's attention was quickly diverted to it. They marveled its beauty, clapping, and celebrating under the bright lights.

Chou Tzuyu could no longer stand this banquet and took the chance of the distracted crowd to pick up her bag and leave. Tonight was beyond embarrassing for her, but she vowed to one day take revenge.

Afterward, the crowd dispersed and the banquet went back as usual. The people freely chattered, completely unbothered by what had just happened. Lively talks reoccurred as the air was, once again, easy to breathe in and filled with light conversation. Laughters could be heard while Kim Taehyung mingled around, people eager to speak to him.

Rosè Yang gave Tina a good pat on the head before bidding the child goodbye.

Kim Tina was reluctant to leave but with her brother dragging her away to meet her curfew, she had no choice.

Rosè Yang was about to end the night as well, until something caught her gaze in the corner of her eyes. She turned, her eyes growing wide.

She was surprised to see it was Song Yeri who had mysteriously disappeared for quite some time. Her complex was ghostly ill and she was incredibly skinny, her cheekbones standing out so much, she looked like a walking skeleton. There were a few bald spots on her head that she tried to desperately cover with her hairstyle, but it was clear as day.

The woman, however, was not dressed in a fancy gown nor was she sporting the latest accessories. She was walking around with her shoulders hunched over, dressed in the same outfit as the employees walking around with trays of drinks or finger food.

"Don't spend your time looking at vile things." Park Jimin's somber voice startled her. She was so lost staring at Song Yeri, she completely forgot he was standing with her.

"Did you do this?" She whispered, raising her head to look at him and found he was staring at her the entire time, his eyes never leaving her.

Rosè Yang had heard reports that Song Yeri was the one who sent her the replica blue dress at Yuna's banquet, but she didn't think the woman's consequence would be this harsh.

"Yes." Park Jimin answered, attempting to guide her out of the banquet, but she was rooted to the ground.


His eyes narrowed at the question. What did she mean why? That woman did horrible things to her and she was feeling guilty now? Did she not know, being kind to your enemies was betraying yourself.

"She was the reason for your humiliation at your younger sister's banquet. Not only did she send you that hideous gown, but she had her little subordinates poison your drink. You ended up at the hospital because of her."

"She was the one who poisoned me...?" Rosè Yang was surprised to hear this. She always knew Song Yeri was a scheming woman but didn't think she would go out of her way just to ruin her life. Why couldn't she let go of the past? What point was there in holding grudges? The more one would hold onto the pain, the worse it would harm them.

She also remembered hearing the downfall of the Song Empire a couple of days after Yuna's banquet. Her head snapped back to Park Jimin , wondering if he had a say in it.

He actually figured what she was going to ask of him and said, "I was not the primary cause for their bankruptcy."

The Song Family was caught for bribing the police and on top of it, was exploiting the poor workers in their factories by overworking them, but never paying them for the extra hours. When this was revealed to the media, the company greatly suffered and with a little push from Park Jimin, the castle of cards all came tumbling down.

Park Jimin's team was in charge of ensuring the family was specifically mocked in the media that one tiny conflict was enough to end their legacy. How weak was their foundation for it to be easily destroyed?

Rosè Yang remained quiet, her eyes shifting to Song Yeri who despite her current state, appeared to still boss around the workers by roughly shoving them.

Park Jimin bent his head and grabbed her cheek, pressing a slow kiss to it. "This is only the beginning of the downfall for the people who have harmed you..." He pressed a soft kiss to her cheek again. "From now on, they will suffer a hundredfold more than the pain they've caused upon you."

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