"So.. how do you think I could improve?" He asks with a smirk trying to push away his feelings.
"Well you were not only listening to what I was saying but you were hanging on to every word. If you were in combat, you'd make more impulsive decision, using your emotions when fighting is good but you still have to stay in control." Izuku explains to Katsuki who nodded. "It's easier said then done tho.." Izuku adds in a long sigh.

"You think I can do it?" Katsuki asks and without hesitation, Izuku nods with determination which made the blond smile.

"And also, you're great Kacchan but, I will never be your provoquer again, I hated it." Izuku admits embarrassed which made then blond snicker.
"Don't worry Zuku, I'll start practicing with controlling when I'm with the extras, how does that sound?" Katsuki suggests making the other smile in relief.

"Now, want to fight a little before we go see Mei? We still have a bunch of time!" Izuku smiles at the blond who smirked confidently.
"I ain't holding back"

"You better not Kacchan! With or without quirk? If it's with I'll use a support item." Katsuki thinks about it.
"Without, we always do with quirk in class." Katsuki shrugs his shoulders making Izuku smile.
"Okay!" Izuku takes a few steps back not losing his smile. "Ready when you are!"

Katsuki is the first one to move and he kicks Izuku on the left side without making him move, Izuku grabs the leg right before Bakugo could move it away and makes him lose balance by taking his right shoulder and tackling him to the ground. Katsuki startled at first wraps his legs around Izuku's waist and flips them over so that now, Katsuki has the upper hand holding his upper arm over Izuku's chest. The viridian boy takes the time to analyze Katsuki's position and hits his clavicle with his knuckles. The pain leaves him a second of weakness to push at Katsuki off and get in combat position once again.

Izuku this time takes the first hit not letting time to his opponent to get back up completely and Katsuki takes a step back from the shock of the hit in his abdomen. He had to admit, he saw Izuku physically grow more muscular but getting hit was definitely a shock. Katsuki didn't get the time to recover before Izuku landed an other hit on his face.
"Sorry!" Izuku smiles before wrapping his arms around Katsuki's neck pulling him down allowing him to push himself over Katsuki and pressure him to the ground. He restrained his arms and legs oldish them to the center of his back.

"I win?" Izuku asks unsure and he let's go allowing Katsuki to sit back up after he got a confirmation.
"Fuck Deku." Katsuki curses rubbing his jaw, where Izuku hit which made the greenette feel guilty.
"I'm sorry Kacchan, we'll put ice on it." Izuku says slowly taking off Katsuki's hand to look at his injury. "It's just a bad hit tho, I don't think it's broken." Izuku sighs in relief and kisses Katsuki's cheek making the blond blush. Midoriya seems to realize what he just did and his blush could compete with Kirishima's hair.
"I'm sorry Kacchan! It was just when we were kids I would kiss your bobo's and I just did it by reflex! I'm so sorry!" He says embarrassed making the blond chuckle.
"It's okay Nerd, just surprised me is all. I don't mind." He ruffle his green hair and Izuku looks away embarrassed.

"Wow! Bakugo got defeated by our little cinnamon roll!" They both look up to see the big three along with Aizawa enter the field. Aizawa gave Bakugo a 'you better treat him good or I will end you' look that the blond understood with no problem. He nodded slightly before looking back to the boy sitting in front of him.

"Hey guys!" Izuku waves not bothering to get up.
"So, when are you going against him Aizawa-sensei?" Nejire asks playfully making the older men sigh loudly.
"I won't fight my problem child." He says in a long sigh.
"Why not? Scared to be beaten?" Mirio teases.
There's a moment of silence where Present Mic had the time to enter the gym.

"Because then he might not want to sigh the adoptions paper, we'll see after that." He grumbles looking at Izuku who was looking at him teary eyes, Yamada was also looking at the conversation with a hopeful smile.
"Y-you- W-wha-" Izuku couldn't formulate words.

Yamada then took out a paper. "What do you think little listener? Would you like officially being our kid?" He asks softly and Izuku was crying and ran up to hug both his parents. Aizawa wasn't the one for physical attention, but for his little family.. He could make an exception.

"Really? Like, really really?!" He looks at them back and forth with a huge smile.
"Yeah, so what do you think?" Yamada asks also crying.
"Mhm!" He nods frantically and everyone in the room was watching with a smile, it was a heartwarming moment especially for Katsuki who was happy that for his friend. He had gotten up and was watching it all happen with a small smile which didn't go unnoticed by the trio.

"You like our little baby don't you?" Nejire asks bluntly and Katsuki looks at her wide eyed.
"N-no!" He looks away embarrassed.
"It's okay Bakugo! Just hurt him again and I will murder you." Mirio warns him with a huge smile which creeped the shit out of Katsuki.
"I ain't planning on it fuck face." He grumbles annoyed which made the taller boy laugh.

"So, what's the next move?" Nejire asks making Bakugo look at her in shock.
"What do you mean next move!?" He whisper shouts.
"Like, what are you going to do to tell him you like him in that way?" Mirio elaborates.
"I ain't doing shit. He deserves someone better." He says sad but covering it by annoyance.
"So someone who put all his pride away, who does an effort to change for the better for him and that treats him like he's a king isn't good enough?" Mirio asks teasingly.
"You don't know all the things I did.." He says under his breath.

"Yeah no, saying to someone to kill themself isn't really nice, I have to admit." Mirio says irritated. "But we also know that Izuku is smart and that you've been doing a lot to get yourself forgiven even if he already did. That's not something someone with bad intentions would do." He holds Katsuki's shoulder.

"We don't need to make yourself feel bad since you already do, what we saw earlier only proves it." Nejire says with a sincere smile and Tamaki nods standing behind using all the strength he has to not go hide in a corner.

"Whatever.. He'll never accept anyways." He says in a long sigh.
"So you're not going to even try? That's not what I thought you'd do. Giving up before even trying doesn't seem like something very Bakugo like, seems like an option a coward would take." Mirio smirks knowing he hit a spot with Bakugo who tightens his fists.

"I'll do it. I'll do it in the best fucking way." He spats at him before walking off and joining Izuku who was starring at them. 

"Wow, that actually worked!" Nejire laughs and Mirio grins in victory. 

The three looked at Izuku who hugged Katsuki tightly with a bright smile and Katsuki who was looking over him with a soft and protective gaze.

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