Dragon Knight v.s River Stone

Start from the beginning

I got into the middle of the field near the ref where Cameron was and I looked at the ball I smirked. The ref blew the whistle. And threw the ball in the air.

He was to busy smirking at me that he didn’t notice the ball. It only took that distraction for me to get the ball and take it down the field and take the shot.

GOAL!! The host screamed.

The crowd was silent and I went back to my spot and everyone on the team was happy.

The announcer said, “First 27 second into the game and Dragons shoot.”

“Never thought it’s the girl that would take the first shot.” He said.

Anyways back to the game. We were playing that game, each player had to block another player from getting the ball.

Apparently Cameron chose me. Every time that the ref was looking somewhere else he would push me with his elbow attacking my ribs.

My ribs were killing me to the point that it hurt. I slowed down my speed we had 4 minutes and 23 seconds to win this game. The score was 17 to 19. River Stone was winning.

I knew that I needed to step up the game. I waited for Cameron to get distracted by the ball. Then I slowly moved back, I was getting ready to sprint and then when he turned back to face me, I was about to run at him.

I ran full force, noticing this everyone was staring at me I jumped and flipped over Cameron just as he ducked.

But when he realized that I landed safely behind him it was to late because I was running at full speed towards the ball that no one was attending to, then I dribbled it down to the net and shot with so much force.

Then the ball went into the net missing the goalie’s hands. Out of nowhere the ball shot back at me and I jumped into the air spun twice while side kicking it into the goal. 

Double Goal!! The host yelled into the microphone. Then the goalie picked up the ball getting ready toss it to throw back in the game. I caught the goalie nodding to another player.

Then just before he threw it he nodded at Cameron, I knew this play he was going to fake it so when everyone attacks that one player the ball is thrown to a different player while the field is wide open.

I then moved back and everyone was tense there was 54 second left in the game.

I moved back, when the ref counted to 3 the goalie faking the throw everyone attacked that one player but I managed to get right behind Cameron and ran at him only to come in front of him and bring the ball down with my chest.

That caught him off guard. Then soon enough the ball was at my feet. I kicked with all my might with my right leg (the injured leg). I flinched through the pain that shot up.

Then all of a sudden out of nowhere I was pushed to the floor by Cameron while he was screaming NOOOOO!!!

I felt pain shoot through me into my ribs it hurt. I don’t know if I could play like this there was still 12 seconds in the game. I need to last those 12 seconds.

Then the ref yelled red card and penalty. Cameron was beyond pissed. Then he went and sat on the bench and his coach was yelling at him.

I slowly got up I stood on one leg try not to put any pressure on my right leg. I really couldn’t breath properly. It felt like I was ran over by a truck a few times.

Then soon enough I was placed in front of the net and was to shoot once more, no one in net. I took the shoot with my left leg and it went in, coming back with force I jumped up and head butting it.

The bell rung to notify that the time is up, everyone watched the ball as it flew into the net. Letting us win the game by 2 points.

When we won, the host announced. “First game for the Dragons this season that they actually win the game, against the unbeatable River Stones team.

People were shocked. The coach came running at us while jumping up and down for winning the first game of the season. I was happy too. Revenge is sweet. But karma is a bitch.

Then I was about to go home when the guys called me, I turned around, I kind of didn’t want to go talk to them but I knew that I would have to because my father showed up last night and with everything that happened at school. I knew that I had some explaining to do.

SKYLAR SUMMER FROST GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW. Boy did everyone stop moving. I knew it was my father that called. He started walking toward the parking lot with me following.

When I got to the parking lot my father was pissed. He yelled at me for having a close call for almost losing that game.

“I had 50 grand on you, if I lost that bet. You would be dead right now.” He said causing me to flinch.

Then he said, “ I want you to practice harder and become the best team in the league, got it he yelled. I nodded.

Then he said, “I will be back in a while, I am going on a business trip”. Then he left.

Great father right. A father that beats me to pulp 3 hours before the game than wonders why we almost lost. But then isn’t happy when we win. Amazing. Note the sarcasm.

I was walking back to my coach when Cameron blocked my path. I was in a lot of pain right now and I knew that I would have to rest if I wanted to heal.

“How are you on the team” He asked

“I try out and I made it,” I said. “I have to go back to my coach so can you move.”

“One question. Did you hurt you leg today” He asked.

I was shocked that he even noticed. Shit this wasn’t good I am dead now. Before I could respond he did something I never thought he would. He kicked my right leg.

I collapsed on the floor feeling the pain shoot through my entire body.

“Fuck what the hell Cameron” I yelled not to loudly.

I slowly got up only to be punched in the stomach. I than heard this sickening crack. Before I could figure out what happened I was pushed to the floor.

I screamed in pain, landing on a rock and hitting my head for the third time in less than 24 hours really did cause pain.

I did not notice everyone staring at me, the pain was intensifying by the second and to top it off I couldn’t breath properly. I tried to get up but I couldn’t, it was too much pain.

I turned on to my side in a coughing fit to get enough air into my lungs to breathe. But I started coughing up blood. Adrian was beside me right away.

He was screaming at someone about something that I couldn’t make out. Then the next thing I know darkness start to creep into my field of vision and I blank out for good. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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