reliving the past but with a twist

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Warning:this chapter talks about rape suicidal attempts read at your own risk

POV Athena creed

I will never forget the way towards the pack the pack that made me into a slave that let me get rape that led me to attempt suicide.

I'm like 4 minutes away from the pack I left Valerie 4 hours ago.

I know that as soon as I step foot in the pack they are gonna attack me but I'm not the same person anymore.

I have to deliver the letter to lucifer himself because he needs to get the message himself.

As soon as I step into the pack territory warriors start coming at me and they instantly recognize me.

"What are you doing here, have you come back to get used again or are you here to become a slave again?" says a warrior. Who I know as Lucas he was one of my rapers.

No, actually I have come here today to give something to your alpha so why don't you call him down here so I can deliver the message to him before I have to go to him and have to kill you all.

You gonna kill us bitch please last time I recall you are a worthless little bitch that not even your own family wanted you. Lucas says

I'm the bitch but yet here you are standing in front of me doing nothing. How about you try to touch me again and let's see who dies.

I challenge him

He goes to move forward but I put my hand up and start to choke him.

You see this right here with the snap of my hand. I can kill you with the other hand I can kill you all but I'm not going to do it. you know why cause I'm not like y'all but I recommend that y'all let me pass or else you will not get to see the light of tomorrow.

I let Lucas go and he went towards the side while the warriors let me pass you see, we can get along, you just have to cooperate.

I take off towards the pack house. Everything seems the same besides the more modern things like cars, people with phones, boats on the lakes.

I see the pack house in the distance. I start to slow down when I get to the steps of it. I look up and see its glory. If it wasn't for Lucifer I would say this pack is one of the most beautiful in the world.

I start my walk up the stairs and as soon as one person sees me I have everyone's attention. Some people say she's alive,she looks different,she looks stronger and I hope she has come back to be our slave.

The first people I see are my mom and dad in the living room. They stand up in horror and go to hug me but I back up. '' What do you think you are doing? You have no right to come towards me. I say feeling my anger rising how dare they try to hug me after all they did to me

Watch your tone girl"my dad says.

Or what you gonna send me to get raped again or worst you are gonna rape me or what you gonna beat me until I pass out. I say full of anger

He looks taken back by my words but nonetheless recollects himself and goes to slap me but I grab his hand and twist it with so much force I break it . He yells in pain.

I'm not the same little girl father and you better watch where you step because I won't hesitate to kill you.

He looks down in shame and backs up.

Next is my mother. She goes to speak but shuts up when I start to speak.

I don't even want to hear you because how can you be such a failure to me and Nicholas how could you stand and let him be in a jail for centuries while you did nothing you knew that he was being miss treated and yet you did nothing how could you be such a monster to the point where your own kids hate you how could you stand and do nothing your own kids the kids that you gave birth too where being raped abused starved and you did nothing.

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