Part 21

6 1 0

Pov: Athena creed

I wake up at 5 in the morning ready to start training these lunatics again I go to my bathroom and take a quick shower braid my hair into two my hair stayed black after I turned off my humanity.

When you turn of your humanity something changes for me it was my hair and if there is something else I will find that out later while training.Talking about about training I need to start training myself in my magic department it's been a long time since I used my magic.

My powers are good in the vampire/werewolf department but I really need to start training my witch powers seeing as there are my strongest. If I'm going to be taking down lucifer I need to be at my most powerful.

By the time I'm done in the bathroom it's 5:30 I go downstairs to the kitchen and see that the omegas are cooking breakfast I have always loved cooking and it's not gonna kill me to help them cook.

"What are you ladies and gentlemen cooking today!" I say in my happy voice to not spook

They sharply turn around and look terrified.! "what I don't look that scary and I asked nicely I just want to help you guys cook I love cooking if it's not a problem of course".

!The 'old lady' who I'm guessing is the head cook gives me a warm smile that only a mother would give. "Of course we would love the help after all its a big pack and it's only 6 of us. Today we are doing pancakes ,toasted bread,eggs,sausage,bacon and finally hash browns. By the way My name is Maria this is leo, Travis, Daisy, Melanie and Ashley maria says pointing at all her helpers!".

I nod "so what will I be doing today I can really do anything so if you need anything let me know. But I will be doing the hash browns seeing as with my vampire speed I can cut around 50 potatoes in 2 minute.

" That's a lot we will definitely be using you more often if it's okay with of course" maria says!

"Yes of course it's fine I love cooking and I'm not that bad of a person I just don't like when people test my power"

              —Time skip—

By the time it's 6 in the morning everyone is starting to wake up and we are done cooking we did everything in 20 minutes.

Rosa comes into the kitchen with her sports bra and black shorts with her hair in a ponytail.

Next is Byron he comes out in a black tank top with grey basketball shorts and running shoes with his hair up in a man bun.
Then all the warriors start coming down in what seems to be there training gear which consists of military pants with a tight black shirt and combat boots I almost feel bad for them. I skiff of course they would wear that eww

"!No go take off those clothes and come back hear with only underwear.
I am gonna make you guys new clothes that are way stronger then those crappy clothes you guys can barely move with those tight pants so go back upstairs and change and come back down"!.

One warrior raises his hand so I motion for him to speak "But we need to wear these clothes this are the clothes every warrior even from when the pack was first created they use to wear similar clothes like this these are the rules that we follow in this pack"!. Said a pack warrior

"And who said I care about those rules now go upstairs and change trust me you will rather be in what I'm gonna do for you then be in these ugly clothes"!.

They node there heads and went upstairs and came back down in only there underwear just how I asked.

I did a quick spell on them I spelled armor on them.

"This armor is made specifically for you to wear this armor is more durable then your other crap this armor has powerful durability that turns on when someone that has vampire blood touches it but in this case me and rosa can hurt you guys because I made it and she is helping me train you!".

Now lets go train I walk pass then towards the training grounds I go and stand infront of them with rosa next to me. "so this is what we're gonna do rosa is gonna train the weakest of you all she will help you get better stamina,endurance and speed".

"While I will help those that are the strongest I will help you all with strength,reflex's and weaknesses I will make your weaknesses your strength".

I put them all in a line and little by little I fight them all by the time I'm done with all 600 of them there are more of them this time then last time I trained them.

When I'm done with them we're in equal groups 300 on each side. I look at rosa and node at her she takes her group towards the forest there they will learn speed then she will take them to the river where they will learn stamina then back here where she will teach endurance.

I stay with my group in the training grounds and start working with there reflex's the one that has the best reflex's is obviously Byron because he's an alpha.

But he's not that good I'm pretty sure if some of these guys where to challenge him they could probably beat him and become alphas themselves.

Like Alex for example he's the best one after Byron his beta and delta he's has the aurora of an alpha but it's really hidden in there.

"Alex come here I need to talk to you." I call him over

"Yes Athena what May I do for you"

I have a question for you I don't want to come off as rude but are your Parents still alive.

Yea they are they are actually my mom is the pack doctor amalia and my father is jose.

"Oh okay I just wanted to know because when you was sparring against Byron you had the upper hand and if you would have pushed yourself a little more you could have made him summit"!.

"What that's impossible one I don't have that power inside of me,and two my parents are both just regular wolfs".

Well if you say so just keep training and see what happens I know you have it in you Alex.

The rest of the day was just us training until it was 3 after that me and rosa went back into my room we took turns showering we went back down to get some food even though we need blood.we can still eat human food.

We didn't bother to eat downstairs so we came back to my room and just stayed here watching movies we watch scream we watch the conjuring all three of them we watch avatar 2 neteyam was so cute I hated that they killed him for no reason.

When the clock turned to 12 I felt it and so did rosa there was this power in the air that was so strong it could make any other person summit but I knew who it was Valerie she has awaken her Angel side and is finally 18 which means she is gonna know I'm her mate when she sees me.

I didn't put much mind into it so we just went to sleep.

But got rudely awoken by Byron.

'What Byron what is so important that you have to wake me up at three in the morning.!'

"Valerie has contacted me via mind link and she has escaped and is in a hotel that is maybe like 4 hours from here."

'So what are we waiting for lets go look for her.'

He goes back to his room to probably change and I go Back into mine and wake rosa up we shower quickly brush are teeth and do our hair and change An we are on our way.

By the time we get there it's 7:43
In the morning we pull up to
This hotel we came in three cars two full of warriors just incase and the first one has me rosa and Byron inside. And his beta which I learn name is fernando

We get out of the car and walk up to the lady behind the desk and we just wait for them as she said for us to wait for them to come down.

We hear the ding from the elevator and out comes out Valerie Apollo the beta of Lucifer's pack and wait no that's not possible Nicholas.

I'm really sorry I haven't wrote but I'm back and ready to finish this book

Word count 1499

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