Part 8

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POV: Athena creed

I shift back not bothering to do the spell so I shift with clothes on I ignore all the looks I wonder why oh that's right my eyes are still completely black but do I care no.

I run back to the pack house when I get there I spot Aries running towards what was the battle field I stop him he looks at my eyes he looks terrified he is on the verge of running but recollects himself "what are you doing we need to go and help kill those things before they get on pack grounds".

That won't be necessary they left they left before I could kill anymore of them but I think for what I have to tell you next you will want to be inside with your Luna and I'll do this I will wake up your son.

You will omg thank you don't thank me I'm only doing this because you will need it to keep you sane. "What is so important that you are waking him up" I don't answer him I just run towards the hospital before I go in I do the spell and put clothes on "vines"

I walk in and go straight to him I can smell him I walk in his room and he's not alone the mother is here and his mate " back up you will not hurt him again I will kill you before you hurt him again " the mate says while baring her teeth at me I wave my right hand towards her and she goes flying backwards "ow" she shrikes "SHUT UP" she goes silent.

What is this duch bags name I say out loud to no one in particular

"Byron" the Luna says

Well Byron it's time to wake up I place my hands in his chest "nances" his eyes open he looks around until his eyes land on me "ahhh"he yells "get her away from me" calm down son she just saved you from hibernation "yea but she was the one that out me in it".

Because you we're getting on my nerves you tried to Dominate me but it failed now you learned your lesson to never come after me like that again now get ready we are leaving to the pack house I got some important business to discuss with your father... They are just starring at me what do I have a dick on my face lets go.

I walk out with them fallowing behind me people all around us just stare at Byron and me well mostly me because of how I look.

Oh I forgot to mention I look completely different now I'm 6 feet my hair has completely gone black and my eyes are completely black

Oh I forgot to mention I look completely different now I'm 6 feet my hair has completely gone black and my eyes are completely black

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Current Athena

Current Athena

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Past Athena

I walk up the stairs of the pack house and make my way towards the alpha's office I don't even bother to knock I just enter inside are two people I haven't seen before one looks like the mate of Byron so I'm guessing he is the beta and the other one the game's I sit in the chair that I'm guessing is Aries.

"Um ma'am that's the alp.." I look at his eyes directly and he shuts it
Aries breaks the silent battle " First thing is first we're is my daughter has anyone seen her"
About that Aíres she's gone they took her lucifer took her probably back towards his pack but we don't know that yet " They what they took my pup and you just let it happen you didn't do anything about it I though you were this unstoppable force of nature and you just let him take her and here you are looking more dangerous then ever and you just let him take my pup ama kill you then ama kill that bastard for taking someone that I love.

I slam my fists on the desk making it shatter into pieces That's enough Aires I don't give a fuck about your threats cause we both know that you are not even strong enough to punch me and second of all I'm not from
Nature I am from hell that is why I'm the harbinger of death I was created by myself I created what I'm now and if you still thinking about going after there pack good luck with that cause you won't even step foot on that pack before they shred you into pieces you will not even see them coming.

I'm an alpha I can destroy that entire pack barehanded if I wanted too. NO you can't I think it's time I let you all in a secret that only me rosa and that pack know. Get comfortable cause it's a long one they all sit on the floor me along with them.

Story time with Athena.

Long ago came 4 people came to this world all of different species one was a vampire one was a werewolf one was an angel one was a witch. They all lived in harmony they all lived in different parts of the world doing there different things creating more of them selfs.

But there was the witch clan they were ruthless they were power hungry so they declared war on the angels but god the father of all angels would not allow it so he brought all his angels back to heaven locking them in heaven for eons to go and eons to come he had his own business to handle.

But the witches were hungry for power so they went after the werewolf's but what they didn't expect was a whole new species the hybrids were born on the side of the vampires and werewolf they were doing there own things.

But there was this one hybrid who was stronger then the rest his name was "lucifer night"

So he took control of all the hybrids he dominated 300 hybrids with his own will power

So he killed all the witches but one there was this one witch called Victoria she was one of the most powerful if not the most powerful so she went into hiding for more then 40 years until one day she dreamed of a prophecy of a girl that will become the tribrid and put an end to the hybrid pack ones and for all her name would be Athena creed.

So the day the mother of Athena creed was to become pregnant she snuck in the pack house up to the room and did a spell on the mother so that she would be transferred into the little being ready to be created
As her witch.

But what most did not understand was that Victoria was the nicest of all the witches she never wanted war so she was going to bring shit kid up by herself she knew that the girl would go through a lot of pain and sorrow.

The day the tribrid was born was the happiest day of victoria life she saw all the pain they caused Athena and now they would pay.

End of story

By now everyone is looking at me scared but the one that stands out the most is Aries he looks at me he looks proud. "I have heard rumors of this pack I know that he is the alpha king but I didn't know they were hybrids if that's even possible.

Aires your either the dumbest person this planet has ever had or your just something else yes it's possible your literally standing infront of me asking that question.

Now is not the time for chitchat it's time for actions I will start training your warriors immediately i say while walking of the office towards the training grounds.

What Victoria didn't see was that there was another prophecy one were the tribrid goes black and kills lucifer but becomes the new alpha queen.

Word count 1324

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