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POV: Nicolas creed

It's about 9 o'clock and Valerie is acting weird she looks like she has a headache she has been grabbing her head.

I need her too tell me what's wrong because if she gets sick right in the middle of us escaping we could get caught again or possibly killed.

Valerie can you please tell me what's wrong or something anything just tell me.

She looks at me and ignores my whole question.

"We need to go now we need to escape right now" she says

I understand I stand up for the first time in a long time grab the key an go towards my cell door and open it quietly and go to Her's and do the same we quickly but quietly go to the front of the dungeons and we can both hear two heartbeats.

We look at each other and we both know what to do she knocks on the door one of the two guards open the door he doesn't even get the chance to blink when I shove my hand into his chest and rip his heart out I do the same too the other one I drop both of the hearts on the ground.

I look outside everything is so different but it still reminds me we still need to escape.

We try to be sneaky but I step on a alarm that is triggered by a little faint line on the floor.

I hear laud foot steps on the land and hear heavy paws and a smell that smells like vanilla beans the smell is coming from a person that is to the right of the land not to far maybe like 500 feet away I look back to the 20 people or so that are coming our way and fast we definitely can't take them all on I grab Valerie's hand and run from the group as fast as my tired legs can take us.

We get halfway to the pack boarders when my legs give out I drop on my face and Valerie goes flying by now it's about 10 o'clock.

She stands up right away and is not even hurt or scratched for a werewolf she sure is durable.

In the distance we hear the same footsteps again but this time what's leading the group is stronger and more powerful not as powerful as an alpha but sure they are strong the wolf is calling to my own.

Cruz: that's my mate

There is no way the first time I hear from my wolf again the first thing he says is mate.

Nicolas: are you sure cruz and nice to have you back but are you sure that that's our mate.

Cruz: yes go to him.

Nicolas: are you crazy those people kept us captive for centuries and you want to go to them.

Cruz: yes

Nicolas: no

Beelzebub: well it sure is good to be back and now if you guys are done chitchatting away I would like to escape cause we sure can't fight our way out of here we are to weak to even take on 5 of them.

Well I sure am glad to have them both back but now is not the time to get together and get to now each other again we need to leave.

Nicolas: cruz you think we are strong enough to do a shift.

Cruz: if bee helps out we can definitely shift but only for like two hours and then I am going to shift back I'm too tired...

Nicolas: Beelzebub can you help us out.

Beelzebub: Of course

I start to shift its more painful then the last time I did this but I do it anyways.

Valerie is just standing there looking at me she has a smile on her face and I don't know why but I'm glad that she is happy at us I bark at her and lay on my stomach and she understands and climbs on my back I start running until we get to the boarders.

I instantly shift back I go flying through the ground but thanks to my immortality I'm not hurt. It's around 12:01 o'clock now.

I hear a scream a painful scream and it's Valerie but in the distance maybe like 1 mile away I hear the footsteps again.

I look at Valerie and oh my god.

Word count 737

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