Part 20

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POV: Athena creed

I woke up to cheers all around me I stand up and focus on my hearing and smell from what I can hear I'm about 1000 feet away from the pack I start my walk towards them.

When I'm about three hundred feet away from them all the first thing I do is start looking for rosa I need to apologize to her and tell her I heard her I heard everything she told me and I love her as my sister and I would not change anything about it.

I walk into the pack grounds and instantly everyone smells me they all go quite and turn around to look at me I continue to walk ahead I can smell her but I can't see her she's probably inside or just in the woods.

I was right I spot her going towards the woods most likely to feed I run after her I see all of the pack members looking at me with horror as I run towards my best friend.

She turns around ready to fight whoever it is that's coming after her but when she sees it's me she to runs towards me.

We meet up half way I engulf her in a bone crushing hug 'I heard you rosa I heard everything you said to me I'm sorry I acted how I did towards you and I want you to also know that I'm forever grateful for having you with me through all the tuff times and I will always be by your side and I will never turn it off again and leave you by yourself I love you rosa like a sister if I had a choice to keep something the same it would be choosing you as my best friend that is something I will never regret'.

By the end of my rant we are both crying and sniffing.

"I know you heard me I know you so well Athena I know that you heard me cause I know you didn't want to hurt me if you would have truly turned off your humanity you would have killed me with out thinking about it twice". I laugh at that 'well I was going to kill you but you ran away and who would I have to annoy me the whole day'.

Well that's enough chitchat we need to get to business! Rosa there is something I need to tell you but not here there are a lot Of ear's.

I take her hand we walk deeper into the woods I sit on the floor while she sits on a log.

When I'm done telling her everything the gods told me she looks so confused.

I know you got questions so go ahead ask me I say to rosa she's looking at me likes I'm crazy.

So your telling me that your mate Valerie windstorm is the first angel/werewolf hybrid ever and that her and lucifer are siblings and all this was told to you by the gods.

Yup pretty much!...

That's a lot to take in I can't believe how can someone so angelic be the sister of something so evil.

no offense.

none taken I still can not believe it the thing that is most crazy to me is the fact that I was always the tribrid but when I did that spell so long ago I just activated my sides quicker and not only that the fact that i'm the only one strong enough in this world to kill lucifer is still crazy to me.

"well now that we got all that cleared out the way that explains why you were gone for so long we have been searching well I have been searching up and down for you I almost even turned off my humanity because I could not fine you when I almost did it was when the best trackers from this pack told me that your scent vanished off the face of this planet I almost lost it but I didn't do it because i remembered how mad you would be at me".

i'm sorry if I worried you rosa but I have only been gone for one day if you missed me so much you could have just told me. I try to joke in the end

"No Athena you have been gone for 2 weeks I was going crazy looking for you and now you show up felling more scarier then before not that you wasn't before".

I laugh and laugh by the end of it I'm on the ground I look back at her and see that she is being serious !oh your being serious Rosa I have only been out for one day I got proof give me your phone!

She hands me her phone and I see that it truly has been 2 weeks the day is "June 17 2023"I gasp how is this possible !oh I get it when the gods took me I was in the heavens for longer then I though I lasted 2 weeks stead of 4 hours!

It's okay I'm back now and I'm sorry Rosa and I really would like to spend more time with you but I need to get back to training the pack we don't know when Lucifer will attack and I need to get my mate back.

She just looks at me and smiles "I thought you didn't think she was your mate and deal but this time you have to go more slower on them you have to understand that nobody has the stamina you have not even me and I was trained directly from you".

I always knew she was my mate I just didn't want to believe it because I was scared that she was gonna turn out like Jason you know how that turned out you know I had to kill his whole pack because he betrayed me so I destroyed our mate bond and now the gods decided to pair me with someone so angelic.

I pause and realize that I truly do like Valerie I may even love her if I'm going to bring her back and safe her from her evil brother I need to start training her pack and help them so they can protect her properly.

Rosa lets go train some wolfs your gonna help me your gonna train the wolfs that need the most work and I'm gonna train the best ones you think you can handle it!.

"Athena if I trained under you for 50 years I think I can handle some wolfs and please take them slow you need to let them rest they are only wolfs they don't have the stamina I did so you can't push them as hard as you pushed me"

Fine I will let them rest when they need it but you also gotta understand we are not fighting regular wolfs or vampires were fighting ancient hybrids ancient hybrids that are led by the oldest creature in the world even older then me.

Yea I get it Athena but we will destroy them one way or another as long as we have each other we will be okay.

By the end of our chat we are back in the ceremony where all the pack members are drinking,eating,dancing and just siting around being lazy.

I go up to the mice that Byron was using to give his "alpha speech"

Listen up everyone as much as I would love to just stay around and drink,eat and whatnot we can not be siting here being lazy while your pack mate your alphas sister my mate is captured by lucifer night your alpha king.

I hear gasp all around me and people whispering to each other 'how is that possible that little shy Valerie is the mate to someone so dangerous and so powerful'.

Let me stop you right there Valerie is not weak shes actually far from that but that's a story she is gonna have to tell you when we get her back so I want every warrior up by 6 in the morning tomorrow we will be taking a test to see who are the strongest and the weakest among you all the weak will go with my best friend you should all now her by now her name is rosa while the strongest among y'all will go with me Athena.

By the end of my speech I here groans and protests but I don't stick around to here it all I go to the pack house with rosa next to me what do you say if we watch some scary movies Athena we do have a long time we don't just hang around just us too.

Yea that would be a pretty good idea we can catch up on what you did for 2 weeks.

The rest of the day we spent it in the room they gave me here and we just hanged out.

Not knowing what was to come tomorrow.

Prepare yourself we will be going into the final stretches of blood and power where a lot of things are gonna go down in the next chapters.

Word count 1543

blood and powerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz