|15| Ocean of Lust

Start from the beginning

I whispered near her ear, patting her back, "Done."

She shivered visibly, her head tipping back slightly.

I fake coughed and that seemed to bring her out of trance.

She cleared her throat twice before saying, "Thank you." Her voice had an unusual heaviness.

So, I am not the only one here who is swimming in the ocean of lust.

"You both make such a perfect couple, Beta. So beautiful together." My Mom clutched Ria's hands as she continued, "And this necklace looks absolutely stunning on you. You need to keep this." She smudged the kohl on the edge of her eye and brushed it behind Ria's ear to ward off the 'supposed bad omen'.

I huffed at the stupid tradition. It wasn't as if I was a strong atheist. I simply didn't care about spiritual or religious things but seeing these kinds of illogical conventions made no sense to me.

After that, all of my relatives presented a line of infinite gifts for the 'new bride'(only if they knew the truth). She initially refused all of them, claiming them to be too expensive, but then accepted hesitantly.

When all of them had left, just the three of us remained. Rohit, Ria and me. Ria sat on the couch with a noisy thud, and huffed, "That was tiring..."

"Indeed it was." Rohit mimicked her and sat beside her.

She looked at him in a filmy slow motion and said, "You didn't even do anything! You got tired just by sitting there and gobbling all the food?"

"Oh heavens, what a treat that was. I think I am feeling exhausted because I ate too much. I could kiss your hands right now." He patted his stomach contentedly. "For how much can I hire you to be my personal cook?"

I gave him an evil side-eye to tell him to control his word vomit as this was going too far.

He upped his hands in surrender and said to me, "No need to go all possessive jealous husband on me, Bhai. I was just joking."

He turned towards Ria and pleaded, "But please please, Bhabhi," Before he could continue, he was interrupted by Ria, "I don't like Bhabhi, I told you earlier. Call me Ria."

"Okay, Ria Bhabhi," His eyes shone with mischief on defying her order. Ria just rolled her eyes.

"So, as I was saying, you are free to invite me for dinner, lunch or even breakfast anytime when I am in the city. I will be honoured to grace you with my presence. Or better yet, I will just come, no need for an invitation. And next time I want to eat butter chicken. You will make it for me, right Ria Bhabhi?" He intently emphasised the last word, just to annoy her.

"Only if you give me a foot massage. Then I will think if I will allow you to stay for dinner tonight and make you butter chicken or not."

Rohit hopped off the sofa in a wink, sat on the ground, took her feet in his hands and started to massage them.

I shook my head in disapproval and said to him, "I worry about you sometimes. You sold your dignity to the demon just for some butter chicken."

"Dearest Husband, are you calling me a demon?" Ria asked, her voice laced with honey and poison at the same time.

"Something like that." I shrugged casually just to push her buttons.

"Then, no butter chicken or cheesecake for you in the dinner." She tsked.

"But-"I started to retort but was interrupted by Rohit, "No, Bhai, you heard her. No dinner for you today. You need to learn some respect, right Ria?"

She nodded, "Definitely."

Great. Now they were ganging up on me, in my own house.

"Oh, and I forget to give you your gift!" Rohit exclaimed, "You are so going to love it!"

He searched for his pocket and took out a key, handing it to her.

"It's a Buggati Veyron. One of its kind, sexy and black," He told her excitedly.

Here he goes again with his frivolous purchases.

Ria glanced at me, signalling me to help her. I just shrugged, not wanting to side with anybody on this matter. If they wanted to give her fancy gifts, then it was between them and her. And it wasn't as if any of my relatives or Rohit were lacking money. So, whatever they gifted her was none of my business.

She chuckled awkwardly, "I appreciate it but I am not accepting it. It's too much."

He fretted, "But you know I had it imported urgently just so I could gift it to you at the wedding. And now you are not taking it. I feel so bad. All my hard work, gone." He continued to massage her feet, all while pouting, looking at her with puppy eyes.

He had learnt that art from my mom and clearly used it to his advantage every now and then.

After a long staring contest between her stern eyes and his pouty ones, Ria backed down and sighed.

She took the keys from him and instructed in a strict tone, "Thank you but this is fine for a one-timer, but don't spend so much on gifts again. Not on me."

"Yay!" He hugged her legs like a child, "And I am going to spend whatever I want on my one and only sister-in-law. You can't stop me. And you will anyways be repaying me in tasty food. So, it's more like a barter than a gift!"

When Rohit's phone rang, he went to the balcony to pick it up and I settled beside Ria.

She swayed her legs, sitting on the sofa and said, "Listen."

"Hmm..." I rested my head on the back support.

"I can't keep all these gifts from your family, it doesn't feel right. You keep them." She handed me the keys to the Buggati.

"Nope. Not my place. They are for you, not me." I told her clearly.

We could hear the steps of Rohit returning so she murmured, "We will discuss this later..."

"I need to get to a rehearsal. I will see you both later at dinner." He informed, "And I will be waiting eagerly for that butter-chicken, Bhabhi."

Before Ria could fight with him on the endearment, he ran outside of the living room, shouting, "Bye, Bhai. Bye, Bhabhi!"

Ria exhaled loudly at his antics. "I will shift all the gifts to your room."

"No-" She didn't let me finish.

"It's not up for discussion." She said authoritatively. "Now show me around this labyrinth house."


Hope you enjoyed reading the chapter!🙂




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