Chapter 12

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Charlie's POV:

I've spent the majority of the weekend in my room. The only time I left it was when I realized I was starving Saturday night.

I wouldn't say I've been holed up in here all weekend because I'm depressed........ I just have an assortment of emotions that I'm trying to figure out.

I'm sad that I no longer have a boyfriend......... but also so relieved that I don't have to keep forcing the relationship to move forward. We just weren't right for each other and that's okay.

Then there's these feelings I have for Riley. When she's near me I don't know whether I want to punch her or kiss her, it's pretty confusing. I mean it's obvious I like her. Plus she said she cares about me........ but what is Riley's definition of care?

From my perspective she "cares" about a new girl every night.

At this point though I just need someone to "care" for me. When Rick and I were together we would have sex almost every day..... Rick was an ass but the sex was so so good.

I broke up with Rick at the beginning of May................ It's the end of September and I haven't gotten any since then.

Noah was sweet and wanted to wait. Having him in my bed and him not touching me made me realize how much I craved it though. I know I should've told him....... But I didn't want to scare him off.

So now I'm stressed, horny and confused.

I threw myself onto my bed and yelled into my pillow. I just need to focus on soccer and school. That will fix everything except maybe the horniness.

I fell asleep soon after that and woke up to my alarm blaring.

After my classes I made my way to the locker rooms. We only have 1 game this week on Friday so we will have practice every other day this week.

After I changed into my training jersey and shorts I put my headphones on and pressed play on my "warm up" playlist.

I walked out to the field blaring music tuning out the world around me. I was putting on my shin guards and socks when someone stood in front of me with their hands on their hips. I looked up and it was Riley. Seeing her for the first time in three days caused butterflies to erupt in my chest.  She didn't have her usual smirk on though. Instead she looked concerned.

I paused my music and took my headphones off. "What's up?" I said casually even though I was internally spazzing.

"Well I didn't see you all weekend......... and Noah told me you.. uh...broke up........ I wanted to make sure you're okay." She gave me a soft smile. I like Nice Riley so much better than Slutty Riley.

I stood up in front of her and nodded my head "I'm okay thanks." Without thinking I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her into a hug. After a split second of hesitation she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"That was unexpected." She giggled into my ear. Her hot breath sent goosebumps down my spine.

"Friends hug Riley." I chuckled then released her. I pulled back but she didn't let go of me. I stared into her golden eyes and thought I might faint. She was so gorgeous and the genuine smile on her face is something I don't get to see very often.

"I'm glad your okay." She said softly.

Everything in me was telling me to lean in and kiss this girl. I want her so bad I mean we've kissed before.... What is the worst thing that could happen if I just lean in and ...........

"Hey Riley." A voice said out of no where. Riley quickly let go of my waist and took a step away from me. The lack of contact sent a wave a sadness over me but I covered it up quickly.

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