Chapter 9

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Charlie's POV:

Oh god my head.

I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes because I knew the moment light touches them I'm done for.

Also why am I only in my bra and underwear?

I really didn't think I drank that much last night but I can't remember a thing after......... the tequila shots.

I opened my eyes and sat up quickly at the memory of Riley's tongue on my collar bone. Goosebumps ran across my skin where she had touched it. I can't believe I let her do that. What was I thinking?

Instant nausea overwhelmed me and I grabbed the trash can next to my bed to puke in. Drinking yesterday was such a bad idea. I was just so upset about not getting a starting spot.

What did I think though? That I was just going to walk onto the team and get the spot handed to me......... no. I just need to work harder.

*Knock knock knock.*

Who is at my door? It better be Karly with an explanation of what the fuck happened last night.

I put the vomit trashcan in the corner by my bed and threw on a sweatshirt and shorts. I walked over to the door and swung the door open.

Noah was standing in the door with a smile and flowers. Oh god.

"Noah!" I said a little flustered. I look like garbage and there's literally vomit in my room.

He took in my appearance. "Did you just wake up?" He laughed holding out the flowers for me.

"Uh yeah...... I kinda went to a party last night." I took the flowers from him and tried to press my wild hair down with my other hand.

"Your first college party eh? How was it?" He asked trying to walk towards me for a kiss.

"I don't..... uh.....remember......" I held my arms out to stop him from getting closer. "Trust me. You don't want to kiss me right now." His face held confusion.

"I'll say. You look like shit." Another voice said stepping into the door frame.

"Casey! What is happening?"

"Well lover boy thought it'd be fun for the three of us to hang out." She said pulling me into her for a hug.

"Well he thought right." I laughed hugging her back. "I missed you."

"I live 10 minutes away. All you have to do is call......" she pulled back and looked at Noah "listen this girl needs to freshen up. We will meet you downstairs in 15 minutes."

"Of course. Take your time." He smiled then kissed the top of my head. He waved and walked down the hall out of sight.

"Girl. Is that throw up?" She asked pointing at the trashcan.

"Uh...... yeah....."

"Hung over?"

"As fuck." I nodded.

"What happened to "I don't party during the season."?" She asked laughing.

"Well I was upset about not getting a starting spot. Plus classes and drama......"

"Drama? Spill it." She said interrupting me.

"Well you remember Riley Haze?" I asked.

"Noah's hot sister? How could I forget her?"

I glared at her "...... she's on the team...... and she lives across the hall." I said nodding towards the door.

Casey looked back and forth from me to the door a few times then broke out in laughter.

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